Michelin Power Cup tubulars - do they measure true?

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by BdaGhisallo

Now that Veloflex has exited the market, I am casting about for a new favorite tub once my supply of Veloflex tubs runs out and I have been eyeing the Michelin tubs.

I am wondering how they measure, though. Are they true to size? I find that Veloflex always measured up to what they were labeled as while Vittoria Corsa tubs measure a mm or so under their labeled width.

And can anyone provide any other feedback on the Michelins? Nice? Not nice?


by Weenie

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by smv81147

I have been using both the 25 and recently the 28mm version of this tyre in its classic version. They both come true in size. Moving from Vittoria Corsas -G2 Graphene, the Speed and the Pro-, Micelin's tubulars are a tad harsher in feel with a slight buzz, maybe due to their edge pattern, definitely not the cloud feel of Vittorias. On the plus side the sidewalls are far more stiff giving a much less flex while cornering and a high level of stability at high speeds. They are also 'fast' rolling tyres.

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by BdaGhisallo

smv81147 wrote:
Sun Dec 15, 2024 2:33 am
I have been using both the 25 and recently the 28mm version of this tyre in its classic version.
Thanks for the info. Much appreciated.

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