MTB SWAT frame setups

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by CrankAddictsRich

Just picked up a new Specialized Epic Evo 8 and I'm pumped to ditch my MTB saddle bag with the SWAT frame storage. I've already playd around with sme of the current items that I had in my saddle bag, but I'd love to find solutions that are smaller, more compact and work better.

Obviously Specialzied calls their solution SWAT, but its my understanding a few other brands have similar setups.

What are people storing in their bikes on-frame storage areas and what has been successful?

Looking forward to some great ideas.

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by BespokeTrailMix

Jonathan Lee from TrainerRoad posted an amazing 3D printed tool carrier for the SWAT box on his Epic 8. He seemed to share it mostly in his Instagram stories and I remember he sold a very limited first batch of them. A quick Google search yielded two results (below) where you can at least see what it is. Not sure what the latest is, but sounds like he was trying to find a better way to distribute them to meet demand. ... s.1231628/ ... mg_index=1

by Weenie

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by Sock3t

BespokeTrailMix wrote:
Thu Nov 21, 2024 10:59 pm
Jonathan Lee from TrainerRoad posted an amazing 3D printed tool carrier for the SWAT box on his Epic 8. He seemed to share it mostly in his Instagram stories and I remember he sold a very limited first batch of them. A quick Google search yielded two results (below) where you can at least see what it is. Not sure what the latest is, but sounds like he was trying to find a better way to distribute them to meet demand. ... s.1231628/ ... mg_index=1
Absolutely brutal these aren't available, still.

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Location: Texas, USA

by BespokeTrailMix

Sock3t wrote:
Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:40 pm
BespokeTrailMix wrote:
Thu Nov 21, 2024 10:59 pm
Jonathan Lee from TrainerRoad posted an amazing 3D printed tool carrier for the SWAT box on his Epic 8. He seemed to share it mostly in his Instagram stories and I remember he sold a very limited first batch of them. A quick Google search yielded two results (below) where you can at least see what it is. Not sure what the latest is, but sounds like he was trying to find a better way to distribute them to meet demand. ... s.1231628/ ... mg_index=1
Absolutely brutal these aren't available, still.
Jonathan is a busy man with a family and was recently injured. I doubt this is very high on his list of priorities, or even on the list at all 😁. I don't have an Epic 8, but if I did I would probably just try to reach out to him and see if he has plans of ever trying to produce this in larger quantities.

Edit: maybe he'd even be willing to share the 3D printer file?

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