Anybody own a FARA?

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by hansotto089

Hi guys

I am currently in the market for a Gravel bike with 50mm clearance. Given the limited options, the Fara F/Gravel is on the shortlist. However, it's super hard to find any reviews or reliable independent information on the frame or even the brand as a whole. They made an effort to sponsor some big ultracycling events, but I am not even sure if that's a pro or a con in my book. I have reached out to them on two occasions (Instagram & e-mail) and they didn't bother to reply.

Anybody that owns a FARA and can share his experience?


by Weenie

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by akira11

i don't own one but i was in the same boat for a bit, and eventually avoided it due to not having UDH
i've reached out to them on this topic and their answer was: stay tuned for 2025

so I would wait for a frame update next season - frame price is quite steep so you better get the future proof version :D

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