Hi, after realizing my 14.5kg Cube mountainbike was starting to become a bit of a handicap when riding with my friends who all invested in FS S-Works bikes; I decided to build my own mountainbike. Considering I excell in going downhill with my hardtail against the full suspension setups, I would say I'm a rather technical driver. I like how my current bike performs on the type of trails (mostly light XC) we do here, I just want it to be lighter.
I like the underdog position so I went a bit wild in chosing all sorts of parts:
frame: airwolf YFM053 (T1100 carbon) ~1kg
seatpost and seat: airwolf 220+115g
steer and integrated stem: airwolf 225g
wheels (XD-hub): 1200gr airwolf
crank: shimano single speed SLX 34t 550g
brakes: shimano SLX F(4-piston)+R ??
electronic shifter/derailer: wheeltop 12s 380g
cassette: ZTTO 12s 9-50T 380g
pedals: eggbeaters 240g
120mm frontfork: Toseek 1630g
tires: Continental race king protection 2.1" F+R: 2*630g
First impressions: some minor fitment issues with the frame headset, but all and all the components look decent quality.
I'l waiting for the delivery of the wheels, so performance-wise I can't say anything. But weight-wise I think it will be just over 8kg.
most obvious weight gains that can be accomplished: some carbon crank (-200g) and the rockshox SID ultimate (-300g). but these investment would come at 2euro/gr. So I'll first see how the current setup performs.
I'll post some pics and first riding impressions when I receive the wheels (probably in a day or 10).
MTB XC hardtail ~8kg target Airwolf,wheeltop,ZTTO,shimano,Toseek
Moderators: MrCurrieinahurry, maxim809, Moderator Team

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