RSL out front options

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by toride

Can anyone shed any light on the out front mount for the Bontrager RSL MTB handle bars, I have seen the far less expensive SL7 bar out front mount looks very similar in fitment and design.. would it work on the RSL, cheers
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by js

The SL7 mount attaches to the stem, through a hole in the face plate, so there's no way you'd be able to attach it to the RSL one-piece set-up.

Unless that bar has bolts on the underside, making accommodation for an out-front mount, you may be best with something mounting to the top cap. With a steeper stem angle, my preference is the K-Edge adjustable mount -

If the stem angle isn't too steep, they also have a non-adjustable mount that is cheaper and lighter. Either way you end up with a clean underside to the stem and your Garmin or Wahoo is a bit better protected from crashes. No help mounting lights though.

by Weenie

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by Upcountry

You're overthinking it... Per bullet point number three on their own product specs for that bar, "Seamless accessory integration with Blendr (mounts sold separately)" ... r23/page/1

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by toride

Cheers for the info, I’m not to keen on the K edge option but the Blendr stuff looks the way to go.

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