so im in the search of a smart trainer and the used market has not gone good.
im looking at the decathlon d100, rated with max 600w 6% incline, wondering if it could be good for me.
ill expain, im a small rider, so my watts arent big (5wk is 265w). the plan is to use the trainer mainly for z2, so it should be cool, but of course i have never oned a smart trainer so i have no clue how i will incorporate it to my trainning, just guessing that at some point i could be doing 200-250 sustained efforts, 20-30 minutes . and i even may end up doing this not on the trainer but who knows. should these trainning be ok with a trainer rated like this?, or should i avoid? not sure if a bigger one, ith more resistance will be overkill. budget is small. cheers!
small direct drive trainers- will i overheat a 600w limit trainer with 200-250 sustained efforts?
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Bluetooth flakey
Small flywheel. So not a great a mount of resistance.
This is a review.
Bluetooth flakey
Small flywheel. So not a great a mount of resistance.

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