Recommend me some winter shoes/boots

Kit Brand Talk. Everything under the sun, including sunnies!
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by CustomMetal

Thats a shame with the fiziks as I went from Northwave to fizik boots and couldn't be happier. However the sole isn't super stiff, but great for cold winter base miles
Allegra- Steel Lugs ?.?kg
Alya- Ti Climbing 7.8kg
Belladonna - Carbon Aero 7.05kg
Bertha- TT 9.8kg
Bianca- Ti Gravel 8.9kg/?kg (road/gravel)
Perdita- Ti Turbo bike 8kg
Verity- Ti Race 8.2kg

All weights with pedals,cages & garmin mount

by Weenie

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by MrRolandos

Hmm yeah too bad about the Lake's. I absolutely love them, I have tons of overshoes etc. Including several Spatzwear. But damn, winter boots are just so easy. Just put them on and be done. Overshoes etc. so much hastle.

So glad I invested in some proper winter boots. Good tip about those inserts. If you have open shoes, taping them off does help alot too!

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by ads

So the 46 Fiziks turned up but they're just too narrow. Gonna stick with my size 46 Northwaves as they at least keep my feet warm.

I used to suffer bad with cold feet until I went a size up in a boot that had adequate width and Goretex. I've found I need the extra room to keep my toes away from the cold extremity of the boot. I use merino socks to about 5°C and anything below that the heated socks come out. I got those from Amazon for about £60 and they're incredible.

I reckon 46.5 in lake wide fit would work but those boots were heavy and I'm not keen on the leather outer.

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by jayjay

Heated socks have been an absolute gamechanger for me!
And with about 40€ from Amazon they not even a huge investment.

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by MarkoP

Can anyone confirm if the discontinued Fizik Artica X5 would be the same size for the Fizik Terra Artica GTX ?

I tried on the X5s today and the fit well in 47 but they didn't have the GTX in stock.
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by MarkoP

Big shoutout to this group for the great advice :thumbup:

I picked up the Pedag insoles, toe warmers (and ordered the Velotoze overshoes) along with thiner Defeet wool socks. I started yesterday's ride early in the morning in approx -3 degrees celcius weather and it got up to approx 10 by the afternoon.

This was with my S-works Torch road shoes...

Pedag insoles
Superfeet hockey insoles (the thin ones with arch support - my Sidas 3feet insoles were too tight to use with the Pedags)
Defeet wool socks
Toe warms on top of socks
Lusso overshoes which are more or less the same as my Maap overshoes (one day on the weekend I wore this combo with Spatz overshoes but my feet became wet and cold - just way too hot. I think Spatz may be better for rain than cold as it's just a thick slab of rubber that doesn't breath at all)

Bottom line is that my feet were super warm and toasty with this set up...almost too warm so I think it is a perfect solution. And didn't even require taping.

Separately, I'll be using my gravel bike as my winter road/gravel bike so for that I ordered a pair of Fizik Artica Terra GTX shoes in a 1/2 size up. Should receive them Wednesday.
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by bikeboy1tr

I have recently purchased the Shimano MW7 winter boots and they are very nice with reasonably wide toe box and combined with my heated socks make for pretty toasty feet in easily -5 degree weather. I have in the past had several pairs of Northwave winter boots and all I can say is they dont make them like they used to which is why I went away from them otherwise all other cycling shoes are Northwave.
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by Spurdo

Bought Lake Cxz 176 in late summer as somewhat in-between shoes and with heated socks these work to few degrees below freezing for me. Really happy with 'em.

Have Shimano MW7 as winter shoe but I dont really feel that it is all that much warmer, without heated socks my toes are getting cold before temperature drops to freezing.

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