Rimbrake subforum?

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by eli76141

I've been engaging in several topics about rimbrake. There is a nice topic about it again at the moment. It seems there is a large group of members still on rimbrakes and who don't want to change to discs, or who just enjoy their rim bikes. Those topics always seem to attract the die hard disc lovers. It would be nice for us rimbrake lovers to have a place to go, where we don't get tangled up with the disc lovers. It would be great to have a place, where we could discuss sourcing of parts, which bikes where the best, which 2nd hand bikes to seem to have dropped in price and so on. I'd love to have everything about rimbrake in one place.

With a subforum about rimbrake we don't step on the disc lovers toes and vice versa. We avoid having those endless and heated disc vs. rim debates.

by Weenie

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by cheapvega

I think if you start a rim brake thread disc advocates will probably stay out of it. The key is to just focus on rim brake stuff and not make comparisons as a lot of rim brake folks seem keen to do. Mods can help keep it on topic as well.

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by 3Pio

eli76141 wrote:
Fri Oct 11, 2024 8:03 pm
I've been engaging in several topics about rimbrake. There is a nice topic about it again at the moment. It seems there is a large group of members still on rimbrakes and who don't want to change to discs, or who just enjoy their rim bikes. Those topics always seem to attract the die hard disc lovers. It would be nice for us rimbrake lovers to have a place to go, where we don't get tangled up with the disc lovers. It would be great to have a place, where we could discuss sourcing of parts, which bikes where the best, which 2nd hand bikes to seem to have dropped in price and so on. I'd love to have everything about rimbrake in one place.

With a subforum about rimbrake we don't step on the disc lovers toes and vice versa. We avoid having those endless and heated disc vs. rim debates.
I had similar idea. Personally im not interested at all about Disc Brake Road bikes, and dont even read that kind of topics at all..

And im also aware that they are many others like us who want to stay on Rim Brakes and to have topics only about Rim Brake Road bikes and parts..

So will be nice if there is SubForum RimBrakeRoadBikes and to have only discussions/topics connected to Rim Brakes bikes.. Im sure that will be some traffic in creative enthusiastic way..

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by Ritxis

cheapvega wrote:
Sun Oct 13, 2024 2:33 am
I think if you start a rim brake thread disc advocates will probably stay out of it. The key is to just focus on rim brake stuff and not make comparisons as a lot of rim brake folks seem keen to do. Mods can help keep it on topic as well.

that the disc brake advocates will stay on the sidelines? I highly doubt it....... :roll:

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by cheapvega

Ritxis wrote:
Sun Oct 13, 2024 8:36 am
cheapvega wrote:
Sun Oct 13, 2024 2:33 am
I think if you start a rim brake thread disc advocates will probably stay out of it. The key is to just focus on rim brake stuff and not make comparisons as a lot of rim brake folks seem keen to do. Mods can help keep it on topic as well.

that the disc brake advocates will stay on the sidelines? I highly doubt it....... :roll:
Try it and see. Will be easier than setting up a new sub forum. Mods will work with you too keep it on track. Plus if you think disc people will mob a thread about rim brakes what makes you think they wouldn't mob your sub forum? :noidea:

I only ride DTC Chinese frames/wheels. There are several good threads here. And if those aren't enough there's Chinertown. So I'm not quite convinced that rim brakes needs a sub forum.

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by maxim809

Hi eli,

Do you have a specific question about rim? If so, I think it's worth just going for it and starting a thread. There have been a couple rim threads in the past few month, and from the mod's perspective they have all been on-topic, without party wreckers. Example:

best aero+ww rim brake bikes:

I get there has been way too many Holy Wars in the past about Rim vs Disc, and the PTSD is real for some. I've been here for the whole cycle. From:

1. Everyone hating on and being highly skeptical on BIG DISC
2. Journalists sensationalizing Disc Rotors cutting up shoes, and bodged pro racing Wheel Swaps even w/ power tools
3. Everyone in mountainous, poor road, and rainy regions adopting and suddenly loving Disc and BIG TIRES
4. Now it's cool to hate on Rim
5. Oh no, Rim is being phased out hardcore parkour by BIG BIKE
7. Ryan creates a Mega Thread to "Sponge Soak" the bloodshed and violence
- viewtopic.php?f=3&t=167905
8. Everything that needs to be said about Rim vs Disc has been said, and tbh nobody who's actually anybody even cares anymore
9....... potential early signs of re-emergence of Rim

So like, ya, if you got a specific question my recommendation is Nikey: Just Do It. If someone scoffs at Rim in your thread, just brush them off as some newb who is so new that they weren't even here for the Holy War.

Bro, did you even Holy War?

And just point them to Ryan's thread, or flag the post and a mod will come mop up shortly.

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by flying

Agreed a Rim Brake subforum would be an excellent idea. It is not just the having to start a rim thread in the otherwise subsection it is needing to wade thru tons of disc thread to ever see rim threads these day.
How about it? How hard could it be?
We have subforums for silly things such as watt weenies & fashion/kits etc...What is more weight weenie than rim brakes?

I agree with others who said not interested in the bleeding edge of disc braking :wink:

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by wheelbuilder

Yeah I'd be interested too. I still have the nagging feeling that there will be a resurgence and brands like Basso still put meaningful effort into rim frames with better clearance, and Chinese wheel brands are at the cutting edge of widths and high temp resins for brake tracks. I vastly prefer rim for personal use.
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by OtterSpace

I personally don't see much advantage of splitting it out as rim specific. As terrible as it can be to wade through troll and low effort posts having one discourse is helpful in some ways too by engaging people with other opinions (right or wrong) to have a more balanced view instead of a tribal one.

I think we are finally getting to the other side of disc vs rim antagonism here. In 2024 most rim people here acknowledge that disc performs better and enables other features also it looks like some disc people are warming to a nostalgia for rim geometry and looks.

If we made it this long without a rim forum I dont see much need for it now. I could see value in a cafe bike subforum for classic builds as that is a bit more of a casual feels discussion more akin to cycle chat. I too think that some rim builds will gain popularity one day but we havent hit the bottom of the depreciation curve yet and only some will maintain value kind of like a classic car. It might be interesting to forward position the forum to prepare for some cool "vintage" builds that dont yet seem all that vintage. As time goes on it will get harder and harder to get small parts and tubulars etc for some of these builds so a place to discuss would be nice.

As background I went road hydro disc in 2017, when it was kind of half baked, but always have had active rim builds soaking up some of my miles. All of my rim builds I view as forever bikes while all of my disc builds get more of my miles but are more of a transitory object that I temporarily own until another build displaces it as disc continues to evolve.

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by mrlobber

OtterSpace wrote:
Sun Oct 20, 2024 6:00 pm
I personally don't see much advantage of splitting it out as rim specific. As terrible as it can be to wade through troll and low effort posts having one discourse is helpful in some ways too by engaging people with other opinions (right or wrong) to have a more balanced view instead of a tribal one.

I think we are finally getting to the other side of disc vs rim antagonism here. In 2024 most rim people here acknowledge that disc performs better and enables other features also it looks like some disc people are warming to a nostalgia for rim geometry and looks.


As background I went road hydro disc in 2017, when it was kind of half baked, but always have had active rim builds soaking up some of my miles. All of my rim builds I view as forever bikes while all of my disc builds get more of my miles but are more of a transitory object that I temporarily own until another build displaces it as disc continues to evolve.
Specific paragraphs quoted where I agree 200% and correspond to my journey even though I had my first road (well, technically CX) bike with DB even earliel, back in 2015 already.
Minimum bike categories required in the stable:
Aero bike | GC bike | GC rim bike | Climbing bike | Climbing rim bike | Classics bike | Gravel bike | TT bike | Indoors bike

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by maxim809

I'm warming up to the idea of making a rim board. If I understand it right, it sounds like the ask is to place it as a sub-board within the Road forum. Personally, I'd like to see more discussion on Rim Bikes happen first to justify the board. I get one thing being signaled here is that there is hesitation to post without a board, but my recommendation is flag posts and the mods will come take care of it.

Not everyone sees it, but we have temp-banned several misbehaving users this month and will continue to.

Lastly, I killed the Watt Weenie board. Thanks for the feedback, I'm keeping an eye on the discussion being had in this thread too.

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by usr

Some topics are very different when seen from the rim brake perspective: TPU tube topics for example are first and foremost about overheat scenarios for a rim braker, everything else comes a distant second while disc brakers could not care less.

But I don't think a sub-board would be all that helpful, easy enough to make it part of a thread title ("TPU and rim brake heat"). A separate board would come at the cost of causing a flood of annoying "wrong board!" posts any time someone does not carefully analyse available sub-boards before posting.

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by cheapvega

Last edited by cheapvega on Sat Oct 26, 2024 2:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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by Juanmoretime

I do love my rim brake bikes espcially since they are the lightest ones I own. The one in California is very light a pleasure to climb with. The other is my back up bike back home. While should they need to be replaced I'm sure the replacements would be disc. There is almost 3 lbs diffenece between my back up bike and my Litespeed T3 disc and most of my ride time is on the Litespeed. Us old guys like titanium yet embrace e shifting and disc brakes, at least me.

by Weenie

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by eli76141

maxim809 wrote:
Mon Oct 14, 2024 4:58 am
Do you have a specific question about rim? If so, I think it's worth just going for it and starting a thread.
No specific question atm. But there have been plenty over time. Honestly I try to avoid asking rimbrake related questions on this board, because I try to avoid answers like "just buy a disc bike - problem solved" or "it's old tech, just live with the problem until you move to discs" etc.

And I also like the nostalgia topics where it's fully allowed to praise rimbrake bikes without interference from disc owners (for the record I own and ride both rim and disc bikes, so I'm not partial to one over the other - both have pros and cons).
maxim809 wrote:
Mon Oct 14, 2024 4:58 am
I get there has been way too many Holy Wars in the past about Rim vs Disc, and the PTSD is real for some. I've been here for the whole cycle. From:

1. Everyone hating on and being highly skeptical on BIG DISC
2. Journalists sensationalizing Disc Rotors cutting up shoes, and bodged pro racing Wheel Swaps even w/ power tools
3. Everyone in mountainous, poor road, and rainy regions adopting and suddenly loving Disc and BIG TIRES
4. Now it's cool to hate on Rim
5. Oh no, Rim is being phased out hardcore parkour by BIG BIKE
7. Ryan creates a Mega Thread to "Sponge Soak" the bloodshed and violence
- viewtopic.php?f=3&t=167905
8. Everything that needs to be said about Rim vs Disc has been said, and tbh nobody who's actually anybody even cares anymore
9....... potential early signs of re-emergence of Rim
I have as well under an old username. And it was/is terrible.

I get the idea of making a mega thread for all the wars. But people tend to start wars anywhere they like. And it would be nice to have a place, where people who prefer discs and whos first reaction to everything rim related is "buy a disc bike" don't have a reason to go, unless of course they have a rim related question. And if they do, they are most welcome.

When I look at the people who have chipped in already in this topic, I recognize them as rim users from other topics, that have chipped in with very good advice over the years. But there are so many topics on this board, and it's hard to be up to speed on everything rimrelated all the time. It would be nice to have it all in one place. That would be the section I would start my day in, and then move to "active posts" from there.

Another point, when I look at the gallery topics, there are almost no rimbrake bikes anymore. Maybe people are afraid to post them, and are holding back on showing their rimprojects, because they think nobody wants to see rimbrake bikes anymore. And that is very sad IMO. There are so many cool and beautifull rimbrake frames/bikes out there. And we are still a group of people who show them our love and care, and would like to see other peoples rimbrake projects.
maxim809 wrote:
Tue Oct 22, 2024 9:40 pm
I'm warming up to the idea of making a rim board. If I understand it right, it sounds like the ask is to place it as a sub-board within the Road forum. Personally, I'd like to see more discussion on Rim Bikes happen first to justify the board. I get one thing being signaled here is that there is hesitation to post without a board, but my recommendation is flag posts and the mods will come take care of it.

Not everyone sees it, but we have temp-banned several misbehaving users this month and will continue to.
It's not important to me where it's placed, as long as it is somewhere on the board. But as a sub-board within road would be one approach. I have a cx/canti bike as well, but I'm pretty sure nobody would protest if I had questions about that bike as well.

I get your point about seeing more rim related discussion before opening a sub-board, but I could imagine that many rim users are holding back posting rim related content out of fear, that nobody wants to see these bikes anymore or the hate from disc users. I'm certainly one of them.

Admins are doing a fine job banning users for ill behaviour. But I'm pretty sure discbrake users wont even bother going in the rimbrake sub-board - they would be way too bored and thus making admins life much easier. And it would be much more obvious, if a disc user went into the rim sub-board and started a war.

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