Rapha Closes Office, Lays Off Staff

Kit Brand Talk. Everything under the sun, including sunnies!
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by usr

RDY wrote:
Tue Apr 30, 2024 7:24 pm
I can't think of a single person I know even tangientially who's bought anything Rapha in the last 3 years who's under 50
Over 50? That's where I see the cutoff between Assos and Castelli. Rapha buyers are younger than Castelli and older than MAAP/PNS/Le Col. But it's not really about physical age, it's about how much time has passed since the fell into the roadbike hole. Some surprisingly young "Assos" and some surprisingly old "Rapha" for sure! (I forgot Alé, very tight band between Castelli and Rapha?)

by Weenie

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by Flasher

RDY wrote:
Tue Apr 30, 2024 7:24 pm
That and the pricing. Younger posers have all moved on to MAAP, PNS, Le Col etc.
Obviously Rapha is a UK brand but it's massively popular with all age ranges that I see over here, and as for the pricing there's very little cost differential between the brands you mention.

Personally i don't think I've paid full RRP for any clothing item for years, there's always a sale or voucher code somewhere.

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by guyc

I used to buy a fair bit but I don't think I've bought a single thing in the last 5 years. They have reached that point where a previously cool brand is now too common so the cool factor has gone.

I'm pretty much 100% Assos now.

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by Flasher

I've certainly never been cool, but is that even possible, maybe only amongst other cyclists, the public just see us as 'bike w**nkers' :lol:

As for laying off staff, surely that's all part of business, they are a living organism adjusting to market conditions, no point employing two people to do one job, certainly if that job can be done remotely.

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by Nohands83

I used to buy quite a bit - winter jackets and jerseys were particularly good. Bibs and longs are still good but the quality of the rest of the stuff has really degraded. MAAP or Castelli for the last 2/3 years now. Used to buy lots of ASSOS but they changed the fit of their bibs/longs a few years back and it doesn't work for me.

My observation would be that the equity of the Rapha brand is still quite strong (I work in design/brand) but undermined by poor quality and far too many SKU's. They also face much tougher competition - lots of brands have caught up and exceeded them in terms of brand and product.

Fully appreciate various markets are at different points in the lifecycle - I'm talking about a UK-specific view here as somebody who was a fairly early adopter of the brand.

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by usr

Nohands83 wrote:
Wed May 01, 2024 1:16 pm
and far too many SKU's.
How so? To me as a not-Rapha person all their stuff looks the same. Or are you referring to their (presumably, I wouldn't really know) troubled attempts at growing into neighboring markets from the lycra core? (commuting and that long distance crowd where everybody considers themselves anticonsumerist)

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by Flasher

Nohands83 wrote:
Wed May 01, 2024 1:16 pm
I used to buy quite a bit - winter jackets and jerseys were particularly good. Bibs and longs are still good but the quality of the rest of the stuff has really degraded. MAAP or Castelli for the last 2/3 years now.
Can't comment on MAAP but I've always found Castelli to have a 2 season auto-destruct feature built in!

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by Nohands83

Flasher wrote:
Wed May 01, 2024 2:11 pm
Nohands83 wrote:
Wed May 01, 2024 1:16 pm
I used to buy quite a bit - winter jackets and jerseys were particularly good. Bibs and longs are still good but the quality of the rest of the stuff has really degraded. MAAP or Castelli for the last 2/3 years now.
Can't comment on MAAP but I've always found Castelli to have a 2 season auto-destruct feature built in!
TBH my experience of Castelli only revolves around 2 specific products - the Gabba/Perffetto (which I wear most of the winter) and unlimited bib shorts, so there's a very good chance the rest of the kit might not match the quality of those. Would definitely place MAAP above Castelli in terms of fit and materials.

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by Mr.Gib

Flasher wrote:
Wed May 01, 2024 2:11 pm
... I've always found Castelli to have a 2 season auto-destruct feature built in!
So true :D . I gave up on Castelli a few years ago for this reason and the fact that sizing shifted toward "heavier" guys.
Flasher wrote:
Wed May 01, 2024 2:11 pm
Can't comment on MAAP
Second season wearing MAAP. Seems to be consistently well made. Rotating a dozen jerseys so full scope of durability will take time to assess - so far so good though. Nice race fit, proper sleeve length, good fabrics.

Never owned Rapha. Though wife loves her Pro Team Insulated Vest. Her's has the Polartec Alpha fleece. Newer version has "recycled" insulation. :roll:
wheelsONfire wrote: When we ride disc brakes the whole deal of braking is just like a leaving a fart. It happens and then it's over. Nothing planned and nothing to get nervous for.

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by warthog101

I buy on price and functionality.
I have always been able to find stuff that does the job well at much better prices so have consequently paid zero attention to those top dollar brands.

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by Tifosiphil

Yeah I was previously emplyed by Le Col so was wearing their kit all the time and pretty happy.

Having left I've gone back to trying a few brands. Really didn't get on with Assos bibs but liked the Rapha Pro (the Core were terrible) and the Castelli Unlimited. Got a Maap jersey I like a lot but found the Castelli Pro Aero not as good as everyone banged on about. Have got some Bikmo kit custom stuff coming soon which I'm interested to see how it performs

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by chuingbeans

Mr.Gib wrote:Though wife loves her Pro Team Insulated Vest. Her's has the Polartec Alpha fleece. Newer version has "recycled" insulation. :roll:
This has been a shame, also seen in the Brevet line. Then there was the aero long sleeve jersey - RIP. Yet the prices continue to increase each year.

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by TheBelgian

Mr.Gib wrote:
Wed May 01, 2024 10:28 pm
and the fact that sizing shifted toward "heavier" guys.
Are you serious? I'm 1m75 and weigh 67kg. All my Castelli gear is size L :shock:

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by guyc

Yeah I'm 185cm and 82kg and an XL. I'm L in Assos and Rapha and most casual clothing.

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by TheBelgian

I don't I understand what he's saying, I think. My day to day t shirts are a size S :lol:

by Weenie

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