Endurance bib with high positioned chamois

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by AsphaltAddict

I am looking for a bib, that
  • is made for long hours in the saddle (endurance instead of race)
  • has a chamois pad that is positioned for a non-aggressive upright position
  • supertight aero-fit is not so important, as the both mentionned above points are
So far I have good experiences with the Castelli bibs with their high-end Progetto X2 Air chamois, as far as comfort for long hours in the saddle is concerned.
However those chamois pads are always positioned too high for my sitting posture – which means it is too far up on my belly and not far up on my back (thus leaving my sitbones on the un-padded area.

Very bad experiences I had with the dhb aeron bib tights, their chamois pads are so high, they almost cover my belly and not my butt where it should be.

Do you have any recommendations for good bibs that have their chamois positioned more on the back than on the front?
Thanks for your recommendations!

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by clarkywils

You can try Altura Icon Men's bib short,they have a chamois pad that provides support in the right places, both when in an aggressive aerodynamic position and a more relaxed all-day position. They also have a stretchy and comfortable fabric, silicone leg grippers.

by Weenie

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by Mr.Gib

Something is not right here. With proper fitting bib shorts the sit bones should be reasonably covered by the chamois regardless of whether you are in a full aero tuck or sitting upright. Sitting more upright might change the angle of sitbone contact with the saddle, but it's not like your sitbones are relocating to another place. Either you have unusual anatomy, or have ended up with bib shorts that are badly manufactured or somehow ill-suited to you. I have noticed that if I size down the pad can end up a little further forward, so careful with sizing. But with decent shorts you should still get good sitbone coverage even if tight fitting.

The gold standard for all day comfort is Assos. The GT, GTS, and GTO shorts have their dense C2 14mm thick pad. Can't tell you if the pad is where you want it, only that it is in the correct location for either upright or aero.

FWIW I have had Castelli bib shorts and tights in the past that had the chamois sewed in at about my belly button, and other pairs with the chamois in the lumbar region of my back! They were that pathetically inconsistent. I had hoped Castelli had moved beyond that crap but perhaps not. I won't touch em. When Chris Froome wore Castelli, he had Assos pads sewn in. Probably lots of others did this as well. Tells you something.
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