CX racing tubeless tire choice

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by RotterdamNL

Last edited by RotterdamNL on Mon Oct 28, 2024 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

by Weenie

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by RotterdamNL

challenge Baby limus TLR with Silca sealent is grat choice. with little mud 1.4 bar, wit a lot of mud 1.2 psi.
for cross i always choose grip (baby limus) over speed (grifos)

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by abonjour

To get to those sorts of pressures do you run inserts? Or have you ever burped if not?

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by RotterdamNL

abonjour wrote:
Tue Oct 29, 2024 9:51 am
To get to those sorts of pressures do you run inserts? Or have you ever burped if not?
No, i don`t run insirts. But its a lot of mud and sand here in hhe Netherlands. If it`s dry (begin Ocober) then i run 1,4-1,6 bar

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by soulxpower

I've tried the challenge inserts with Challenge inserts, but don't ever plan to take of your tires to reuse those tires afterwards.
I requires quite a bit of force to take the tires of, which resulted in a tire width internal sidewall damage. Which in turn resulted in a wobbly tire after remounting later.

And about the Grifo tlr, I ran them at 1.5 last weekend without issues.

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by soulxpower

Quick update about the challenge tires:

The last few weeks were super wet here in The Netherlands and I've switched over to Limus for all races. I had some vulcanised ones laying around and I've been running them at around 1.5 bar. I finished with around 1.1 to 1.2 bar. So I assume that you increase the change of burbing at those pressures.

A teammate has been running the handmade Limus and he had a completely different issue: The tread came apart from the main carcas. So apparently that can happen (yikes!), which is most likely caused by running lower pressures.
We both mounted new handmades tubeless limus, so let's see if this was a fluke or that we all need to ditch tubeless and just run tubes...

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by abonjour

I think that's a handmade vs. vulcanised issue to be honest, not tubeless related. I think it's also a pure quality issue rather than due to pressure.

I've experienced the same on 1 tyre (handmade challenge dune, but non-TLR version although it's almost identical in construction to the TLR version). That was a Challenge Dune where it separated on the very first ride. Being a Dune I wasn't running super low, probably ~22psi although I don't remember exactly.

However, the 9 other handmade non-TLR challenge tyres of the all different treads i've used (which I've run much lower, down to 18psi) have had no issues over quite a few years of use.

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by soulxpower

You are probably right. I only used the handmate Limus TLR at around 1.3 bar thet last few weeks without any issues.

The handmate TLR's are a pain to get on the rim though. I took me an evening of mucking about to get them seated. Not looking forward to replace the the tires on my grifo wheels for a sandy race this weekend

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by PeytonM

Any advice for finding the right tire pressure? I'm running grifos, so when trying different pressure on course what should I be looking for? What behavior would I feel when to low or to high?

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