Minimum weight of a dura ace lever st-7700

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Posts: 377
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 12:49 pm
Location: Danmark

by poulhansen

How low can it go when all the gearchange parts are removed?
Cannondale Super Six Hi Mod 2017 6.845 kg
Cannondale six13, 2004, 5.50 kg
Focus Izalco Max, 2023, 4.33 kg

by Weenie

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by Martin124

Could you please provide a bit more detail ?

Posts: 377
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 12:49 pm
Location: Danmark

by poulhansen

What do you want to know? I'm looking for the weight of the lever with all gearchange parts removed for weight reduction in a x1 gearsystem.
Cannondale Super Six Hi Mod 2017 6.845 kg
Cannondale six13, 2004, 5.50 kg
Focus Izalco Max, 2023, 4.33 kg

Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Jul 20, 2023 11:40 am

by Martin124

I apologize, but I didn't understand your earlier question. I asked for more details to gain a better understanding. As a newbie, I don't have much idea about this, so I'm sorry for any inconvenience.

Posts: 377
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 12:49 pm
Location: Danmark

by poulhansen

I bought one, so maybe now I can tell you myself.
Cannondale Super Six Hi Mod 2017 6.845 kg
Cannondale six13, 2004, 5.50 kg
Focus Izalco Max, 2023, 4.33 kg

Posts: 377
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 12:49 pm
Location: Danmark

by poulhansen

Without gearmechanism and rubber: 135 g, before 198 g.

I would save around 200 g total by converting from x2 to x1 gear but I'm still on the fence. :shock:
Cannondale Super Six Hi Mod 2017 6.845 kg
Cannondale six13, 2004, 5.50 kg
Focus Izalco Max, 2023, 4.33 kg

by Weenie

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