Best HR strap

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by Savon

ms6073 wrote:
Tue Jul 30, 2024 5:28 pm
Savon wrote:
Tue Jul 30, 2024 7:07 am
I bought the Magene H603
I bought one from Amazon (US) a week or so back and thus far, compared to my 2-year old Wahoo Tickr, have found it to be a bit problematic in terms of reconnecting when riding indoors with Rouvy. Question is how to 'wake up' the sensor back up if you go out of range of the connected device? When I first snap the strap to the sensor, a red LED blinks on the sensor and it easily connects/pairs with the laptop, but I cannot figure out what is the process for 'waking' the sensor back up after moving out of range of the connected device - my Wahoo Tickr never has an issue with this scenario.
Oh, you are right, I totally forgot to mention that. With my Wahoo Bolt, I believe I don't have any connectivity issues, but with my Polar watch, if I put on my strap before having 'prepared' an activity on the watch (it searches for all the Bluetooth devices I have linked), I can't connect my belt. I have to take off the pod and put it back on for it to blink red. I've never had to do that with my H10.

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by T65

T65 wrote:
Fri Sep 15, 2023 6:59 pm
I just cannot imagine people get multiple years of use out of the strap. I use Garmin and the sensor almost lasts forever on the same battery. But the strap goes bananas within a year. I always rinse it after workouts. Replaced Garmin by Polar soft strap but the same experience. I'm now using a Magene strap that feels really cheap and costs even less. Will see how long that one survives. But I hate throwing non-recyclable stuff in the bin...
Quoting myself to give an update. The Magene strap died after a year, like the Garmin and Polar straps used previously. Always rinsing after each use. I've given up on these. Currently using my Forerunner 965 to broadcast my HR to the recording devices (Edge, Tacx Training SW).

by Weenie

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by barbaar

My experienceses so far (of anyone's cares 😁):
- Garmin Dual: good, lasts a year.. then the battery dies and the unit with it
- Garmin Tri (had the blue one): same story
- Polar H10: good while the battery lasts. But that first battery died within some months of use. After replacing it, the drain only got worse.
- Tickr: surprisingly good. Use this just on the Turbo,.bot still works after 2 winters.

My main strap now is a Garmin Tri (the white one). Wonder what will happen once the battery dies. Overal I do prefer Garmins. It's just a same that they have replaceable batteries, but die anyway...
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by cleanneon98

The only two HRMs I've owned (Bontrager and old Tickr) I still have and the pods work great. I do find the straps can be hit or miss but last time I bought a $12 replacement strap from Amazon and stuck the same pod on it nad it still works great. This is over 7 years of riding

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by naavt

My Polar H10 worked flawlessly until a couple of months ago when it started to behave weirdly.

Upon inspection I've noticed the rubber (sensor) parts of the strap to be broken. Since then I've returned back to a TickrX previously stored away, but I plan to buy a Polar strap in the near future to put my H10 to work again, since I have my suspicions that the culprit to its bad behavior is the broken strap, not the pod.

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by usr

If you don't need bluetooth, just do yourself the favor and get one of those old podless HRM1G lookalikes from eBay. Original HRM1G stocks have run dry, but some of the off brand clones are still available. A bit heavier than the pod-on-strap designs (sorry, WW, or do it like me and keep an H10 around for those mountain days), but easily good for many battery lifes (which last forever, compared to the H10). I do notice that my HRM1G that has gone through almost a decade of sweat has slightly more dropouts than my NOS clone, but that's probably more because of antenna design (or battery state?) than because of pad wear.

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by TidyDinosaur

naavt wrote:
Thu Dec 19, 2024 9:37 am
My Polar H10 worked flawlessly until a couple of months ago when it started to behave weirdly.

Upon inspection I've noticed the rubber (sensor) parts of the strap to be broken. Since then I've returned back to a TickrX previously stored away, but I plan to buy a Polar strap in the near future to put my H10 to work again, since I have my suspicions that the culprit to its bad behavior is the broken strap, not the pod.
Just get a cheap one off Aliexpress, they work just as good.
I got fed up with buying the Polar ones every year because they stopped working and now I am using a cheap one with the H10 sensor and it works great.

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by naavt

TidyDinosaur wrote:
Thu Dec 19, 2024 12:15 pm
naavt wrote:
Thu Dec 19, 2024 9:37 am
My Polar H10 worked flawlessly until a couple of months ago when it started to behave weirdly.

Upon inspection I've noticed the rubber (sensor) parts of the strap to be broken. Since then I've returned back to a TickrX previously stored away, but I plan to buy a Polar strap in the near future to put my H10 to work again, since I have my suspicions that the culprit to its bad behavior is the broken strap, not the pod.
Just get a cheap one off Aliexpress, they work just as good.
I got fed up with buying the Polar ones every year because they stopped working and now I am using a cheap one with the H10 sensor and it works great.
Good to know. Care to point the vendor where you've got yours? Thanks

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by TidyDinosaur

naavt wrote:
Thu Dec 19, 2024 1:10 pm
TidyDinosaur wrote:
Thu Dec 19, 2024 12:15 pm
naavt wrote:
Thu Dec 19, 2024 9:37 am
My Polar H10 worked flawlessly until a couple of months ago when it started to behave weirdly.

Upon inspection I've noticed the rubber (sensor) parts of the strap to be broken. Since then I've returned back to a TickrX previously stored away, but I plan to buy a Polar strap in the near future to put my H10 to work again, since I have my suspicions that the culprit to its bad behavior is the broken strap, not the pod.
Just get a cheap one off Aliexpress, they work just as good.
I got fed up with buying the Polar ones every year because they stopped working and now I am using a cheap one with the H10 sensor and it works great.
Good to know. Care to point the vendor where you've got yours? Thanks

If you buy when there are sales, you can get 10 for the price of 1 polar :)

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by naavt

TidyDinosaur wrote:
Thu Dec 19, 2024 4:16 pm

If you buy when there are sales, you can get 10 for the price of 1 polar :)
Bought one just now :mrgreen: thanks! :beerchug: :thumbup:

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