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by Klaster_1

urturt wrote:
Thu Mar 17, 2022 2:42 pm

Sorry if this isnt the rigth place to post but why is the "Sales Forum" not accessiable anymore?

You don't have enough posts to access the board. Not sure how much is required, probably 30. Same with private messages.

by Weenie

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by theStig

Not sure where to post this, as it's a technical issue.

I'm noticing the forum REALLY does not like write operations. I can browse/search just fine, but the second I make a new post or respond to a post, the site will time out and usually go offline for a bit.

I hope it's not some bug that only happens when my account makes a post!

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by Klaster_1

theStig wrote:
Mon Apr 04, 2022 6:05 pm
I'm noticing the forum REALLY does not like write operations. I can browse/search just fine, but the second I make a new post or respond to a post, the site will time out and usually go offline for a bit.

I hope it's not some bug that only happens when my account makes a post!
Same here, gets really annoying.

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by robbosmans

We have noticed the forum is very slow. We’ll see what we can do.

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by elSid

Would someone please unpin the 2021 pro cycling topic?


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by arcadia

I am a new member, also new as a bike builder with seight efficiency goal.
So, as a newbie, of course I want to learn and know which options are available, advantages and issues with the avilable solutions.
I took a look at the "listing" part and it's very difficult to understand, it seems there are categories, like "brakes" and listed alphabetically, but no way to know what is what, and the weight listing rule differes from one contributor to another, another example, "cables" some list by the meter other list as bundle, or maybe even finished mounted product, no way to get accuracy scale to effectively compare different products and choose wisely.
Also, some listings are very old, 2017 or even 2009 for last entries...
Another interesting listing thing would be the price, and picture, just picture would point vety easily the destination, or, make a "road" "mtb" "pist", and maybe "gravel" categories, even some components can match each categories, not easy for sure.
I was also thinking it would be interesting to create a active thread for everything about a specific item, ex, crankset, to list every crankset, compatibility, evolution (ex, dura ace from 1970 to now), weight, price, year, so when someone wants to builda bike, he can find possible crankset for his bike, even weird unknown stuff from small company back in 2005.
I am a information collector and need to classify and organise, I always do like this when I start new hobby or collection, this is a way for me the see the most possibilities to chose the best way following several details, use, price, value, durability, and other details.
If it would be possible to centralize informations, for a specifi subject, crankset, derailleur, pro and cons, it would be very interesting, especially using actualised pictures, because forum image hosting often don't last forever.

For example after some diggings, mostly because I saw the products for sale, I found tfm titanium brakes, not so heavy, quite cheap, and zipp crankwheel, providing a quite cheap alternative to thm or expensive or non available material, but also having own issue, because of specific chainring mounts.
But after some other researches, I found a comany in UK, making custom(?) carbon chainrings(?), maybe designing the inner details and sending the file could make a way for them to machine carbon chainrings for that zipp crankset?!
I am not home right now, not my computer so I can't do all what I want, but once back home I will diga bit, design, contact makers and so on, mybe some good alternatives can be found.

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by Klaster_1

arcadia wrote:
Sun May 29, 2022 9:39 am
But after some other researches, I found a comany in UK, making custom(?) carbon chainrings(?), maybe designing the inner details and sending the file could make a way for them to machine carbon chainrings for that zipp crankset?!
Looks like you are talking about a Vumaquad and FibreLyte. If so, I wouldn't really recommend this combo. In addition to a rare, proprietary BCD, it's not as robust - my drive side arm became wobbly after a while, other members reported the same for a left arm, although solvable by an involved repair process. Because of that, it chewed the teeth of multiple FL big chainrings, total sum of ownership getting close to a Clavicula SE. Just get a THM or something slightly heavier. The 1x-specific FL chainrings (see builds in my signature) have served me well.

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by arcadia

Good to know, so in a first time I will take a FSA, as it's a 30mm axis, meaning if I can upgrade to a clavicula, or, better, a torno, I won't have to replace the bearings, I admit that possible zipp choice was mainly because if it's 30mm axis.
I found a used torno, decent price, with almost 2 pair of chainrings, but the seller finally chose not to sell, as he wants to sell complete winnie bike, sadly the bike is overpriced, considering the other components.
Sorry for the message, it's not the right place.

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by MichaelK

robbosmans wrote:
Mon Apr 04, 2022 7:22 pm
We have noticed the forum is very slow. We’ll see what we can do.
Anyone else noticed constant 404 errors trying to access the site?

Couldn't get on at all yesterday.

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by AJS914

I haven't been able to get on for days.

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by AJS914

I figured out my 404 issue. I usually click on Active Topics and go from there. I kept getting a 404 error thinking that the site was down. I got on the site using my phone and figured the issue was fixed. I went back to my computer (using Firefox) and still got the 404 error. Hmmm. So, I tried going to:

From there I could see I was logged out, could log back in, and now everything is working as it should.

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by MichaelK

When I cannot get on the forum, no link will work. Some will just display the forum but with no topics. I'll have to grab a screenshot next time it happens. Tried various browsers and computers with the same outcome.

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by mdeth1313

MichaelK wrote:
Tue Sep 06, 2022 1:32 pm
When I cannot get on the forum, no link will work. Some will just display the forum but with no topics. I'll have to grab a screenshot next time it happens. Tried various browsers and computers with the same outcome.
Happens all the time. Forum rot.
Speedplay is the devil!

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by AJS914

I just couldn't get on for a couple of days. 404 error

Is there any kind of system status page on the starbike site for the forum?

by Weenie

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by maxim809

AJS914 wrote:
Fri Nov 04, 2022 9:30 pm
I just couldn't get on for a couple of days. 404 error

Is there any kind of system status page on the starbike site for the forum?
nmx is looking into it. I've setup something to auto-notify him next time it happens. There is not a system status page I am aware of. Link below is tracking this:


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