Does weight weenism annoy people?

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by MrCurrieinahurry

kgt wrote:Well, I am afraid that this forum is not about wweenism anymore.
Haven't you read all those posts by riders proud of their aero 8.5kg machines and 1.6kg fat, tubeless wheelsets saying that weight does not really matter?

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by MrCurrieinahurry

I always liked on her you could find parts that you couldn't get in your local shops etc and that not everybody had on there bike custom decals for wheels etc as well as knowledge on light parts that were practical. Also I think a lot of us went through things like lightweight cassettes and chain rings that performed terrible and moved away from them back to more practical parts.

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by MrCurrieinahurry

It defo annoys my Mrs when I keep looking at things on my phone all day lol. Then tinkering with my bike.. Oh and when packages keep appearing through the post lol :)

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by Beancouter

MrCurrieinahurry wrote:It defo annoys my Mrs when I keep looking at things on my phone all day lol. Then tinkering with my bike.. Oh and when packages keep appearing through the post lol :)

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.... it’s not just me thenImage

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by mendiz

I think that happens more in other internet cycling forums than in weight weenies and very few in real life, although much more than a few years ago is that there are people being annoyed and feeling envy because others can spend a lot of money in the best of the best.
It's not weight weenism per se, it's envy for the cash than others can spend easily.
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by cheapvega

mendiz wrote:
Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:16 am
I think that happens more in other internet cycling forums than in weight weenies and very few in real life, although much more than a few years ago is that there are people being annoyed and feeling envy because others can spend a lot of money in the best of the best.
It's not weight weenism per se, it's envy for the cash than others can spend easily.
This is what it really comes down to. Raw jealousy. I saw a thread on Reddit recently where people were piling on all the "idiots" who weren't pro cyclists but had the gall to buy anything more than 105. One guy even bragged about seeking out anyone with a top level groupset and trying to pass them with his Sora bike just to feel better about himself.

I don't get it. I don't need to be a race car driver to enjoy a Porsche or an architect/general contractor to like a nice house. Live and let live!

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by nachetetm

cheapvega wrote:
mendiz wrote:
Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:16 am
I think that happens more in other internet cycling forums than in weight weenies and very few in real life, although much more than a few years ago is that there are people being annoyed and feeling envy because others can spend a lot of money in the best of the best.
It's not weight weenism per se, it's envy for the cash than others can spend easily.
This is what it really comes down to. Raw jealousy. I saw a thread on Reddit recently where people were piling on all the "idiots" who weren't pro cyclists but had the gall to buy anything more than 105. One guy even bragged about seeking out anyone with a top level groupset and trying to pass them with his Sora bike just to feel better about himself.

I don't get it. I don't need to be a race car driver to enjoy a Porsche or an architect/general contractor to like a nice house. Live and let live!
It could be a reaction to those faux pros, who think that spending thousands of Euros in bike parts make them more special, while diminishing everyone not riding Ultegra or above. To be honest, I find more snobbery among weight weenies than envyness among regular riders.

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by cheapvega

nachetetm wrote:
Sat Aug 01, 2020 9:47 pm
cheapvega wrote:
mendiz wrote:
Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:16 am
I think that happens more in other internet cycling forums than in weight weenies and very few in real life, although much more than a few years ago is that there are people being annoyed and feeling envy because others can spend a lot of money in the best of the best.
It's not weight weenism per se, it's envy for the cash than others can spend easily.
This is what it really comes down to. Raw jealousy. I saw a thread on Reddit recently where people were piling on all the "idiots" who weren't pro cyclists but had the gall to buy anything more than 105. One guy even bragged about seeking out anyone with a top level groupset and trying to pass them with his Sora bike just to feel better about himself.

I don't get it. I don't need to be a race car driver to enjoy a Porsche or an architect/general contractor to like a nice house. Live and let live!
It could be a reaction to those faux pros, who think that spending thousands of Euros in bike parts make them more special, while diminishing everyone not riding Ultegra or above. To be honest, I find more snobbery among weight weenies than envyness among regular riders.
I don't think it's strange that folks on a website literally dedicated to making bikes as light as possible wouldn't be interested in cheaper heavier components.... but in my brief time here I haven't seen anyone dump on cheap parts or proclaim light expensive parts make them any faster. Hell, the subheading of the Training forum here literally says "A light bike doesn't replace good fitness" so the separation between bike exotica and actual speed has been here for some time now. Let's not confuse preferences for higher end gear with snobbery or nastiness. You can't go to a Mercedes forum and then call people on it snobs for liking Mercedes.

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by BenSiskri

Wingnut wrote:
Tue Jun 23, 2020 11:53 am
I've never really had any isues with it myself, I can see the point people make about cutting a few grams here and there and the silliness of potential risks going too far to cut weight. I used to be a Weight Weenie back in the early 90's when I had more money and I was single, I was also hooked following greg LeMond who was so adventurous and innovative.

The other thing I notice on here too is the ridiculous money spent and shown on here just to save a few grams, now that's fine as yes it's WW's but if I was to question it I would expect to be either totally ignored or ridiculed for it...there's quite a bit of entitlement here...
I'm not a WW, but I find it fascinating the lengths, and money people spend in order to lose weight from their bike/bikes. Which is why I'm on here, as I like to see how the projects develop.

I don't race, but I still don't want a heavy bike, but just changing the stem, seatpost and wheels will suffice for me. When spending money on a bike, or trying to lose weight, my view is 'is it value for money & will it make me appreciably faster?' Will buying a £5,000+ bike with Di2/Etap make me lots faster than a £2,500 bike with Ultegra/Force? Not really, as much as I like new tech.
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by wheelsONfire

I think people get annoyed of the money involved. But it's probably envy in a way.
People not involved with cycling has called me an idiot :-D

What's more sad is that aero has totally evaporated the development of true WW:ism.

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by spartacus

I don't care how much money people spend on their bikes. As far as who is legit and who isn't, it's impossible to say on the internet but you can usually look at someones setup and tell whether they ride a lot or not. I think some people respond negatively to very expensive bikes with wonky saddle/bar angles and etc... As for me personally the only thing that triggers me is MTB weight weenieing where the bike is clearly suspect, compromised, and or not really rideable because of things like wack tires or parts that are obviously too light to take a beating. Same thing goes to posting a picture with a rigid fork just to say it weighs X amount when that person never has any intention of using the bike that way. I guess all that is to say that it's lame to post a bike that you can't / won't ride just to meet an arbitrary weight goal. Like did you need to chop the bottom of your drops off to save 25g? GTFO with that stuff.

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by nickf

I usually get a positive reaction when I tell people my bike is steel and weights 14lbs. Really not even that light. They cannot believe their fancy carbon bike is pushing 16+lbs. Only old grumps on paceline forums hate weightweenies.

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by froze

Nah it doesn't bother me, I'm not one to get hung up on all of that but I sort of pick and chose where to be light and where not. But this weight weenie stuff has been going on for many years, when I use to race I saw guys who hand drilled holes into their components to lighten up the bikes, everything had holes including crank arms, handlebars, stems, seat posts, and the usual components as well. I saw one guy who drilled out his steel frame! the bad thing was the frame collapsed on him during a race but he did have the lightest bike in the race! As guys were doing this stuff at home a few component manufactures caught on and out came drillium components. Of course the factory drilled out stuff looked neater with the holes evenly spaced and probably calculated how many holes would be needed before it was too many and durability suffered, the home drilled out stuff looked, well, home done! with no consideration to durability.

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by sgergole

BenSiskri wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 12:11 pm
Wingnut wrote:
Tue Jun 23, 2020 11:53 am
I've never really had any isues with it myself, I can see the point people make about cutting a few grams here and there and the silliness of potential risks going too far to cut weight. I used to be a Weight Weenie back in the early 90's when I had more money and I was single, I was also hooked following greg LeMond who was so adventurous and innovative.

The other thing I notice on here too is the ridiculous money spent and shown on here just to save a few grams, now that's fine as yes it's WW's but if I was to question it I would expect to be either totally ignored or ridiculed for it...there's quite a bit of entitlement here...
I'm not a WW, but I find it fascinating the lengths, and money people spend in order to lose weight from their bike/bikes. Which is why I'm on here, as I like to see how the projects develop.

I don't race, but I still don't want a heavy bike, but just changing the stem, seatpost and wheels will suffice for me. When spending money on a bike, or trying to lose weight, my view is 'is it value for money & will it make me appreciably faster?' Will buying a £5,000+ bike with Di2/Etap make me lots faster than a £2,500 bike with Ultegra/Force? Not really, as much as I like new tech.
a 5.000 GBP bike might not make me faster, but MIGHT make me happier than a 2.500 GBP bike. IF it makes you happier, more proud, more eager to go out riding, could be a good investment for you. Veeery personal thing though.

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by UpFromOne

LOL, I'm an old grump WW. I agree with others that aero is the name of today's game, but weight still matters. Alot.

For example, I posted a couple months ago about my latest 711g wheelset:
and the only question was whether the AX rims were the 24 or the 25 model.
No questions on how that weight for a pair of wheels was achieved.
That seems to be "par for the course" now, save for a few holdouts.

I understand that not many have ever climbed on a 700g wheelset.
It's a unique and pleasurable experience. Maybe not a faster top end, but the ride is just as much fun
as going fast in the other direction (down) on a fully aero bike in a UCI-illegal position.

So there we are. Today we discuss aero more than climbing and general light weights because hillclimbing
is the very last thing alot of riders do or are committed to. Aero is so much more sellable. Aero is the dream of speed.
Hence the manufacturers calling the shots on molding shapes and burying every last frame protruberance into the void.

One other thought. Aero has further tarnished the WW game simply because if it's light it can't possibly be aero.
To bastardize Kipling: Aero is aero, and weenies are weenies, and never the twain shall meet!

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