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by Mr.Gib

Andrew69 wrote:
Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:39 am
The state of New South Wales in Australia (most populous state) has now gone into a snap 7 day lock down
We already had the area of Greater Sydney in lockdown (Im in this area), but now its been extended state wide.
The distance we are allowed to travel for exercise has been steadily getting smaller over the last few weeks
Its gone from your local government area, to within 10km of your home, and from 12:01am monday morning, its now within 5 km of your home

Looks like I will be doing lots of lockdown laps around my suburb, which is rather boring , but at least with a new police crackdown on people travelling, the roads should be quite.
I guess I will be having a go at several Strava segments that I think the times are a bit soft on. Will see exactly where my fitness is at
that sucks, sorry to hear this. It will be interesting to see what other jurisdiction go the lockdown route. The US has some real hotspots which might face the same fate but I wouldn't count on lockdowns in those districts. Spain has some problem areas.

Well guys, it's been a slice, I'll be off for a few weeks (NW Italy, yeah baby yeah). If I could ask a favour and maybe a few of you could babysit OnTheRivet for me. You don't have to do much, he's pretty good as supplying his own entertainment. Just make sure he doesn't miss his nap.
Last edited by Mr.Gib on Sat Aug 14, 2021 7:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
wheelsONfire wrote: When we ride disc brakes the whole deal of braking is just like a leaving a fart. It happens and then it's over. Nothing planned and nothing to get nervous for.

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by Mr.Gib

wheelsONfire wrote: When we ride disc brakes the whole deal of braking is just like a leaving a fart. It happens and then it's over. Nothing planned and nothing to get nervous for.

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by OnTheRivet

Mr.Gib wrote:
Sat Aug 14, 2021 7:18 pm
Andrew69 wrote:
Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:39 am
The state of New South Wales in Australia (most populous state) has now gone into a snap 7 day lock down
We already had the area of Greater Sydney in lockdown (Im in this area), but now its been extended state wide.
The distance we are allowed to travel for exercise has been steadily getting smaller over the last few weeks
Its gone from your local government area, to within 10km of your home, and from 12:01am monday morning, its now within 5 km of your home

Looks like I will be doing lots of lockdown laps around my suburb, which is rather boring , but at least with a new police crackdown on people travelling, the roads should be quite.
I guess I will be having a go at several Strava segments that I think the times are a bit soft on. Will see exactly where my fitness is at
that sucks, sorry to hear this. It will be interesting to see what other jurisdiction go the lockdown route. The US has some real hotspots which might face the same fate but I wouldn't count on lockdowns in those districts. Spain has some problem areas.

Well guys, it's been a slice, I'll be off for a few weeks (NW Italy, yeah baby yeah). If I could ask a favour and maybe a few of you could babysit OnTheRivet for me. You don't have to do much, he's pretty good as supplying his own entertainment. Just make sure he doesn't miss his nap.
Nope, headed to Colorado to ride the mtb. Hope you have a great trip, ride the Passo Fedaia - Marmolada for me.

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by synchronicity

Andrew69 wrote:
Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:39 am
The state of New South Wales in Australia (most populous state) has now gone into a snap 7 day lock down
We already had the area of Greater Sydney in lockdown (Im in this area), but now its been extended state wide.
The distance we are allowed to travel for exercise has been steadily getting smaller over the last few weeks
Its gone from your local government area, to within 10km of your home, and from 12:01am monday morning, its now within 5 km of your home

Looks like I will be doing lots of lockdown laps around my suburb, which is rather boring , but at least with a new police crackdown on people travelling, the roads should be quite.
I guess I will be having a go at several Strava segments that I think the times are a bit soft on. Will see exactly where my fitness is at
Oh. I did not know that about the 5km restriction. But it does say this:
From Monday 16 August 2021, you must stay within your local government area or 5km of your home.
Is it whatever is larger? Or whatever is smaller? Or whatever you feel like? :lol:
I think I'll choose to remain with my local government area (which is quite large :twisted:)
I'm avoiding main roads anyway so it doesn't seem to be affecting me all that much. :mrgreen:

It would be worse if there was a time restriction (like I think it's 1 hour for the ACT?). That would suck.
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by Andrew69

synchronicity wrote:
Sun Aug 15, 2021 12:13 pm
Andrew69 wrote:
Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:39 am
The state of New South Wales in Australia (most populous state) has now gone into a snap 7 day lock down
We already had the area of Greater Sydney in lockdown (Im in this area), but now its been extended state wide.
The distance we are allowed to travel for exercise has been steadily getting smaller over the last few weeks
Its gone from your local government area, to within 10km of your home, and from 12:01am monday morning, its now within 5 km of your home

Looks like I will be doing lots of lockdown laps around my suburb, which is rather boring , but at least with a new police crackdown on people travelling, the roads should be quite.
I guess I will be having a go at several Strava segments that I think the times are a bit soft on. Will see exactly where my fitness is at
Oh. I did not know that about the 5km restriction. But it does say this:
From Monday 16 August 2021, you must stay within your local government area or 5km of your home.
Is it whatever is larger? Or whatever is smaller? Or whatever you feel like? :lol:
I think I'll choose to remain with my local government area (which is quite large :twisted:)
I'm avoiding main roads anyway so it doesn't seem to be affecting me all that much. :mrgreen:

It would be worse if there was a time restriction (like I think it's 1 hour for the ACT?). That would suck.
I must say that the way this was annouced and what was annouced was total crap. So damn confusing
I read the health orders yesterday afternoon and the rule is to stay within your LGA , however, if you cross into another LGA, you must stay within 5 km of your home.
My LGA is more than big enough (no where near as big as yours!) to ride to your hearts content, so nothing much will change except I should be able to ride the main roads with little or no traffic....but I wont hold my breath as Im betting people will still be doing whatever they like

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by ducman

Hey guys, just some info:

I had covid a few months ago. Havent been to sick. I was tired all the time tho...
My smelling sense is still gone.
In the mean time i got 2 pfizer vaccin shots. A month ago.
Still have days that i'm so tired, i wanna sleep all the time.

My performance on the bike is slowly coming back, but still not the same. For sure.

Next week i'm having a 10 days training in the mountains. Keep you updated... 😏

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by ducman

O yeah i forgot, i also have a freaking backpain from the day i got covid.
It's getting less painfull now, but still... after 4/5 hour ride, it's still painfull...

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by TobinHatesYou

More "fake news" about hospital resource shortages. ... 4209587213

Don't remember which thread it was where iheartbianchi was claiming everything was fake. 2 weeks ago, Bay Area hospital ERs already had 8-hour waits. Obviously there will be regional variance, but if some of the most vaccinated jurisdictions are putting out guidelines like this, places like the midwest and south are going to have a very sad fall/winter.

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by jasjas

TobinHatesYou wrote:
Wed Aug 18, 2021 7:37 am
More "fake news" about hospital resource shortages. ... 4209587213

Don't remember which thread it was where iheartbianchi was claiming everything was fake. 2 weeks ago, Bay Area hospital ERs already had 8-hour waits. Obviously there will be regional variance, but if some of the most vaccinated jurisdictions are putting out guidelines like this, places like the midwest and south are going to have a very sad fall/winter.
ED times in my local UK hospital has been 15 hrs.
Varies of course.

db vaccinated, caught CV, very mild but 5 weeks later, still tired, UK has removed all restrictions :(

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by Andrew69

Well, were in a world of pain here in Sydney (Im 100km south thankfully) now
We went in a lockdown 56 days ago and it has done little to stop the case numbers growing because next to no one is actually doing what they are supposed to be doing.
Cases today at 633 (yesterday was 452 so rather concerning especially when you consider they conducted something like 30% less tests)

It is now clear that the government hasnt gone hard enough, early enough and now its out of control
Still far too many loopholes in the rules and people are taking of advantage.
The police force begun cracking down on those doing the wrong thing, but its too late

With the Delta variant, the children have become the superspreaders with children aged between 0 and 19 accounting for more than twice the number of cases of the next highest cohort.
Cant say Im surprised. Children are supposed to be learning from home, but with parents busy working from home and no formal online teaching going on in the majority of schools, children are free to roam around and do as they please and so are spreading the virus amoungst themselves and then spreading it the rest of the household (70% of all cases are transmissions within households)

60 deaths so far from this outbreak, but now all non urgent surgeries have been cancelled and other care like breast cancer screening have also been cancelled
How many people are going to have poor health outcomes now other non-covid related health care has been scaled back?

And yet, there is still far too many people that think this is either a total hoax to control the general public or that its nothing more than a flu

Im in for my first shot of Pfizer on saturday afternoon....and planning on riding sunday morning come hell or high water :thumbup:

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by spud

^ make sure you plan a route that has a bail-out. I didn't have any particular reaction to the COVID vaccine, but I got nailed by the shingles vaccine, did a MTB ride two days after the shot and almost didn't make it back to the car, I was so wasted, tunnel vision etc.

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by Miller

Yes that's good advice about having a bail-out option for a post-vaccination ride. I had AZ, the next day I was fatigued and snotty like with a bad cold. Lasted a couple of days. Did not feel at all like riding.

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by BenSiskri

I had my 2nd jab about a month ago, and gave myself a few days off the bike; felt slightly lethargic. Eventually went out for a 2-3 hour ride, which happened to be one of the warmest days of the year. However, I'd hydrated plenty enough beforehand - and had plenty on the ride. Felt okay, or so I thought. About a hour after getting home, and after showering/ eating, felt terrible. Headaches, nausea, and feeling weak. Hmmm...probably a combination of 2nd jab and heat. Took about 7-10 days off the bike - and took it steady/low intensity for a few rides.
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by Andrew69

Good advice guys, thanks

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by synchronicity

I got a KILLER headache several weeks after the second shot of pfizer. Not sure if it's related to the vaccine or not, but it lasted about 3 days.
vertebrae | Precision braking and shifting.
vayakora | Eco mouse mats: silk, linen, cotton, ramie, bamboo, etc.

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