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by Mr.Gib

nickf wrote:
Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:32 pm
I personally believe it should be an individual's choice as to what is injected into their bodies. I think that choice should be made after reviewing the data and making an informed decision.
Yup, and AFAIK there is not a single jursidiction anywhere in the world that vaccinates people against their will, (well not democracies anyway). Seems like most of the world is on the exact same page as you.
nickf wrote:
Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:32 pm
All these opinions from Canadians that have socialized healthcare. It's just good business sense to make it almost anything illegal that is known to cause health issues. That's just a good business move for a government-run socialized healthcare system. On the flip side, why do many Canadians come into the US for their healthcare needs and pay out of pocket? Probably the same reason my fiancés family immigrated to the US. They go on about how terrible socialized healthcare in the UK is. How there is a massive lack of facilities, long waits for procedures, long waits for everything. Better off going to a private hospital to get care. Just as an example Florida alone has some 59,000 hospital beds, the whole of Ireland 14,500. So yeah with pure lack of facilities and the government paying the bills they sure will use strong-arm tactics.
And yes Canadian health care suffers from a shortage of supply in certain specialties and various other problems mostly caused by underinvestment. To avoid a 5 week wait I had knee surgery in a private clinic here (we have them also but shhh - it's a secret :wink:) Our system definitely could be better - in a recent study Canada ranked third last among developed countries, only France and the US were worse. https://interactives.commonwealthfund.o ... or-mirror/

Like with Covid, it's not what you can cure, but rather what you can prevent that gets you the most bang for the buck in health care. Life expectancy is 83 years in Canada vs 79 for the US, and achieving this at almost exactly half the cost per person. So the health care system for all its faults seems to be working OK.
wheelsONfire wrote: When we ride disc brakes the whole deal of braking is just like a leaving a fart. It happens and then it's over. Nothing planned and nothing to get nervous for.

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by Andrew69

nickf wrote:
Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:32 pm
Just as an example Florida alone has some 59,000 hospital beds, the whole of Ireland 14,500.
Population of Florida is ~22 mil
Population of Ireland is ~ 5 mil

If Florida had the same rate of hospital beds per capita as Ireland, it would have ~63800 beds
nickf wrote:
Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:32 pm
I personally believe it should be an individual's choice as to what is injected into their bodies. I think that choice should be made after reviewing the data and making an informed decision.
Totally agree, but when far too many people get their "data" from facebook, youtube and instagram, there are bound to be issues

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by synchronicity

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by nickf

Andrew69 wrote:
Wed Aug 11, 2021 12:01 am
nickf wrote:
Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:32 pm
Just as an example Florida alone has some 59,000 hospital beds, the whole of Ireland 14,500.
Population of Florida is ~22 mil
Population of Ireland is ~ 5 mil

If Florida had the same rate of hospital beds per capita as Ireland, it would have ~63800 beds
nickf wrote:
Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:32 pm
I personally believe it should be an individual's choice as to what is injected into their bodies. I think that choice should be made after reviewing the data and making an informed decision.
Totally agree, but when far too many people get their "data" from facebook, youtube and instagram, there are bound to be issues
Touche bad example!

The whole thing is just exhausting to be honest. I'm just going to stay in my lane and keep pedaling.

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by Andrew69

nickf wrote:
Wed Aug 11, 2021 2:06 am
Touche bad example!

The whole thing is just exhausting to be honest. I'm just going to stay in my lane and keep pedaling.
I'm with you on that.
Head down, bum up and keep on moving

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by Mr.Gib

Aw guys...I am just rolling up my sleeves. And I've gotta who slew of greek letters to throw around. I think I'm going to PM OnTheRivet. :P

On topic, Germany announced today that it is considering some very drastic legislation that will severely restrict the unvaccinated. You want to visit the velodrome, better have proof of your shot.

@nickf, touche indeed. Good idea to get back to pedalling because according to the study I quoted, you've got 4 years less of it than I do. :P :P (Sorry, couldn't resist).
wheelsONfire wrote: When we ride disc brakes the whole deal of braking is just like a leaving a fart. It happens and then it's over. Nothing planned and nothing to get nervous for.

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by ultimobici

ico wrote:
ultimobici wrote:
Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:41 pm
ico wrote:
ultimobici wrote:
Tue Aug 10, 2021 7:45 am
Nothing to do with the billions of DM pumped in after reunification?
Despite this long tradition of higher education, totalitarianism took root bad flourished.

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What worries me is this kind of thinking, which Corona brings up.

Try to fight tanks with education... and don't forget that those billions went either straight to big intl.concerns as a support of their investments as they privatised local companies to get back those funds.
My point was that East Germany has had epic amounts of investment since reunification which is much of the reason for its success on the last 30 years.

As for the tanks v education, I’m pretty sure there were no tanks involved in the interwar years.

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OMG :shock: Did you hear about Soviet invasion in Czechoslovakia in 1968? No? a knowledgeable expert feel free discussing themes you know nothing about. ... ng/567916/

Or Hungary?
Yes. On both counts. I was referring to the fact that, despite a long history of higher learning, Germany lurched to the right in the late 20s/ early 30s with Hitler. SFA to do with the soviet invasions of the post war period.

To compare the current situation to the Prague Spring is ridiculous. That said, Hungary seems to have lurched all the way across from Communism to Fascism in one bound recently with no Covid influence.

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by nickf

Mr.Gib wrote:
Wed Aug 11, 2021 4:12 am
Aw guys...I am just rolling up my sleeves. And I've gotta who slew of greek letters to throw around. I think I'm going to PM OnTheRivet. :P

On topic, Germany announced today that it is considering some very drastic legislation that will severely restrict the unvaccinated. You want to visit the velodrome, better have proof of your shot.

@nickf, touche indeed. Good idea to get back to pedalling because according to the study I quoted, you've got 4 years less of it than I do. :P :P (Sorry, couldn't resist).
To be honest I'm surprised the life expectancy isn't less here in the US. Good god the shape of most people here. Slobs.

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by synchronicity

Well the fit people have a higher-than-average life expectancy, and the err 'slobs' as you refer to them have a lower-than-average life expectancy.

Australia is getting worse. I am noticing more and more fat kids around here. Bordering on obese. Except you can't call them 'fat' anymore because that's "politically incorrect" (even if sugar-coating everything for them is detrimental to their own health).

I wrote a few paragraphs about communism and whatnot, let it simmer in my browser for a few hours before posting it, forgot to post it, and lost it. Can't be bothered re-writing any of it now.
Last edited by synchronicity on Thu Aug 12, 2021 5:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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by spdntrxi

^ big-boned.. or solid.
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by mdeth1313

spdntrxi wrote:
Thu Aug 12, 2021 5:12 am
^ big-boned.. or solid.
Speedplay is the devil!

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by OnTheRivet

Mr.Gib wrote:
Tue Aug 10, 2021 3:37 pm
I'm starting to miss OnTheRivet. Damned omega bailed on us just as it was getting good.
Just came back to laugh at ico ripping all the knuckleheads to pieces. Not even an english as a first language guy and he made Mr Gib look like an over educated fool.

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by Mr.Gib

OnTheRivet wrote:
Fri Aug 13, 2021 7:17 pm
Mr.Gib wrote:
Tue Aug 10, 2021 3:37 pm
I'm starting to miss OnTheRivet. Damned omega bailed on us just as it was getting good.
Just came back to laugh at ico ripping all the knuckleheads to pieces. Not even an english as a first language guy and he made Mr Gib look like an over educated fool.
You're trying too hard. It's just not going to sell here. If you want to throw down, you first have to deliver something of value. Usually either humour or some good info - the reader/audience always wants to get something in return for giving their time and attention. And once you have some of that simmering you can hit 'em with your big guns. It also helps if you understand what the other posts actually mean.

Meanwhile back in the real world (see what I did there), looks like Canada is going all in on vaccing mandate. Business, public events, the entire education system, many classes of government employees. In six months it will be get a shot or stay home.
wheelsONfire wrote: When we ride disc brakes the whole deal of braking is just like a leaving a fart. It happens and then it's over. Nothing planned and nothing to get nervous for.

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by TobinHatesYou

San Francisco also has now also implemented mandatory vaccinations for restaurant goers, bars, clubs, gyms, etc.

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by Andrew69

The state of New South Wales in Australia (most populous state) has now gone into a snap 7 day lock down
We already had the area of Greater Sydney in lockdown (Im in this area), but now its been extended state wide.
The distance we are allowed to travel for exercise has been steadily getting smaller over the last few weeks
Its gone from your local government area, to within 10km of your home, and from 12:01am monday morning, its now within 5 km of your home

Looks like I will be doing lots of lockdown laps around my suburb, which is rather boring , but at least with a new police crackdown on people travelling, the roads should be quite.
I guess I will be having a go at several Strava segments that I think the times are a bit soft on. Will see exactly where my fitness is at

by Weenie

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