Where's Calnago?

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by GlasNago

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
3.990 kilo cannondale supersix himod (2016)

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by rajMAN

So sorry, just found out. RIp Calnago.

by Weenie

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by tymon_tm

jesus I just stumbled across this news... this is unbelievable, I'm shocked beyond words..

I'm gonna remember Cal as possibly the kindest person this forum has ever seen.. RIP dude!
kkibbler wrote: WW remembers.

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by burglarboycie

Such a loss. To this and his own community. I will miss his highly educational posts as I'm sure many others will too.

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by mikebuf73

I’m newer to the forum than most but was riveted by his posts, which displayed an immense knowledge matched with kindness and patience. RIP

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by Vermu

Havent had time to read WW lately and just stumbled on this - such a loss.

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by MiddMan

This is really sad news. Calnago was one of the reasons I joined WW. I had been a long-time reader, and stumbled across his builds (his C59 at the time). His post were so detailed that I knew, without doubt, that I would have ridden the same size Colnago--either 61 trad or possibly 59 with some spacers. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to build a Colnago during his lifetime. I had actually hoped to get a C64 or even an older C60 or C59 to have the chance to share the photos with him since I knew he was THE Colnago aficionado.

He wasn't just technically knowledgeable, he also had good taste, and was an all around good guy in all my interactions with him. He loved classic bikes and represented, to my mind, all that is traditional and truly timeless about road cycling. I wish I had had the chance to ask him to build up a classic Colnago for me, with his detail, commitment to perfection, and eye for aesthetics.

We can still learn a lot through his many posts; so here's to inspiring others to the joys of cycling.

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by mnmasotto

I too miss his forum commentary and help with the occasional small build issues that arise during the bike building process.

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by nismosr

really shocking news .. RIP Cal, First guy I reach out 7yrs ago when I build my first Colnago .. and I still have his PM's . May your sould rest in peace and keep riding in the after life my Friend !
2020 Colnago C64 Mapei-SR12 EPS-WTO 60
2021 Basso Diamante SV-SR12 Disc EPS-WTO 60
2023 Colnago G3X-SRAM AXS Force-Levante

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by zzmkdw

Really, very sad news. Seemed like a great guy. Certainly a positive contributor to this board. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

I am wondrring, would it be possible or even a good idea to pin some of his best known threads in the catch all section? Sort of as an "in memorium".

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by mnmasotto

Cal is responsible for my Colnago addiction.

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by KB

Haven't posted much lately. Sorry for his passing like all these posts on here which are testament to a knowledgable and more importantly nice guy. RIP.

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by Tinea Pedis

Could only imagine his reaction to their sale. RIP Cal

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by kytyree

Started working on a C64 in PJRD today, same color as his post here on the frame.

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by Weenie

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by matioli

RIP CAL..... late post but such a loss...
Colnago C59

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