Where's Calnago?

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by FTPWhor

Sad news. He is the reason I ride a C64.

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by hlvd

rollinslow wrote:
fa63 wrote:
Thu Mar 19, 2020 2:50 am
Do you have a link to his obituary?
Here is the link to Calnago's obituary. It is posted publicly.

Thanks for that, he seemed a very popular guy and nothing what I imagined.
I'll miss his articles!!

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by Kjetil

Thanks rollinslow for the link to the obituary.
Must have been a great guy to be around for real too.
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by dj97223

Thank you very much for the link.
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by maverick_1

RIP Calnago.

Cal's final post :(


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by anquetil

RIP Calnago!

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by eforce123

This is terrible news. Was this cycling related or?

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by ms6073

eforce123 wrote:
Mon Mar 23, 2020 7:20 pm
This is terrible news. Was this cycling related or?
While someone stated on the previous page of this thread, I think it is also mentioned in one of the comments posted to Cal's obituary that he passed due to an undiagnosed heart condition.
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by iankovski

Just digged a little deep and found some precious pieces about our guy:

https://www.facebook.com/steve.pierce.5 ... 3459446238

Such a nice and pleasant guy Cal was. We'll really miss him!

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by beanbiken

iankovski wrote:
Tue Mar 24, 2020 2:42 am
Just digged a little deep and found some precious pieces about our guy:

https://www.facebook.com/steve.pierce.5 ... 3459446238

Such a nice and pleasant guy Cal was. We'll really miss him!
Thank you

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by ms6073

iankovski wrote:
Tue Mar 24, 2020 2:42 am
Such a nice and pleasant guy Cal was. We'll really miss him!
Speaks volumes about the man that this thread has generated as many posts in his absence as those to which he actively contributed while he was still with us. One can only hope that we are as well thought of following our own grand depart as Calnago has been on this board.
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by ghisallo2003

Recabled my 10 speed Campag Record last night, and he was with me every step. I hope I was up to standard. Such a helpful and knowledgeable guy. RIP and much missed.

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by dgasmd

Read the FB post and the obituary post. Really fills in the very few gaps about my interctions with him. Still feels creepy some would go to the lengths of digging this stuff up for their own personal curiosity. However, hope one day at least 1-2 pople would have an opinion about me 10% of what most have about him.

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by mcfarton

iankovski wrote:Just digged a little deep and found some precious pieces about our guy:

https://www.facebook.com/steve.pierce.5 ... 3459446238

Such a nice and pleasant guy Cal was. We'll really miss him!
This is sooo thoughtful and warming. I hope that I can inspire people like that in my lifetime. His posts were always worth a read and I never skipped them. I will miss his presence here.

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by cadence90

I just read this terrible news and am so very saddened and shocked.

I never met Calnago in real life, but like many others here was greatly touched by his patient expertise and guidance, even though I have rarely posted in recent years. I was looking for a Colnago C50 or similar, and was very inexpert on Colnago sizing. Cal was kind enough to (fairly exhaustively, always precisely and graciously) answer all my questions and walk me through models and sizing advice, via many messages.

He helped me incredibly and when, later, a beautiful Extreme-Power frameset arrived on my stoop, and I built it up, and it fit me perfectly, and it rode sublimely, it was also all very much due to his wisdom and help. I never forgot his gesture, nor his "post-purchase" component and micro-fitting advice. He was always looking to improve every detail, and had a superb sense of scale, detail, aesthetics. He was fun, too, with a great sense of humor.

He was really great in perfecting and projecting his passion, and the level of detailed chronicles of his own builds and his trajectory through the Colnago line should be archived here forever as invaluable resources to the community. Some may (and one hopes many do) approach that level of clear explanation and beautifully documented operations, but nobody will ever exceed it, as that would not be possible.

Resta in pace, Sig. Dauncey.
You gave so much. You are greatly missed.
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