Rotor Aldhu

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by handler

Unfortunately, that won’t work. I tried it, but the spider is designed for rotor rings, and the DA chainrings are too big for it. You’ll need to order a spider from Stone or somewhere similar. I have a spare one that I don’t use, so I could sell it to you.

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by Besenwagen

handler wrote:
Tue Dec 10, 2024 7:36 pm
Unfortunately, that won’t work. I tried it, but the spider is designed for rotor rings, and the DA chainrings are too big for it. You’ll need to order a spider from Stone or somewhere similar. I have a spare one that I don’t use, so I could sell it to you.
I am using this very combination since 13 tkm - no issues at all. Works and shifts flawlessly although my spider is a Sigeyi PM.

Better pictures tomorrow if needed

by Weenie

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by fortyonethirty

A bit of a specific question which I haven't been able to answer via google.

Current setup:
T47 inbound bottom bracket
Vegast cranks
Rotor direct mount 48/32 chainrings
Rotor 30mm gravel spindle (have a road spindle in the garage but I couldn't get it to work and spin freely. Although technically it should)

Need (/want!):
Would like to add a cheap, reliable, non-pedal based PM.

This seems to be the Sigeyi or Magene. (P2M too expensive, Rotor PM don't get good reviews).

1. I'd need to get a 48/31 GRX ring combo from rotor. Will the Sigeyi or Magene work with the 31 ring? Also, I don't need a Rotor spider if I'm getting a chain ring PM right?
2. Sigeyi/Magene say that it won't work with some (/all?) t47 inbound BB, but as I understand that's a spacing issue. Given I have the gravel spindle, shouldn't this give me the extra clearance I need for the PM? Does anyone run this setup?
Last edited by fortyonethirty on Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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by fortyonethirty

Double post.

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by oldmac

fortyonethirty wrote:
Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:04 am
A bit of a specific question which I haven't been able to answer via google.

Current setup:
T47 inbound bottom bracket
Vegast cranks
Rotor direct mount 48/32 chainrings
Rotor 30mm gravel spindle (have a road spindle in the garage but I couldn't get it to work and spin freely. Although technically it should)

Need (/want!):
Would like to add a cheap, reliable, non-pedal based PM.

This seems to be the Sigeyi or Magene. (P2M too expensive, Rotor PM don't get good reviews).

1. I'd need to get a 48/31 GRX ring combo from rotor. Will the Sigeyi or Magene work with the 31 ring? Also, I don't need a Rotor spider if I'm getting a chain ring PM right?
2. Sigeyi/Magene say that it won't work with some (/all?) t47 inbound BB, but as I understand that's a spacing issue. Given I have the gravel spindle, shouldn't this give me the extra clearance I need for the PM? Does anyone run this setup?
The Sigeyi or Magene power meter spider is not compatible with SHIMANO GRX chainrings.
The SHIMANO GRX 2X chairnings has two sets of chainrings hole. 110BCD for big chainrings and 80BCD for small chairnings. ... 820-2.html
Sigeyi or Magene power meter spider does not have 80BCD chainrigns hole for the small chainrings.
And the position of GRX 110BCD chainrings hole is different to normal SHIMANO road chairnrings.
So, the 1X GRX chairnrings is not able to be used on normal 110BCD road spiders.
If you want to use SHIMANO GRX chairnings on power meter spider, P2M is your only choice on the world.

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by fortyonethirty

oldmac wrote:
Sun Jan 19, 2025 6:52 am
fortyonethirty wrote:
Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:04 am
A bit of a specific question which I haven't been able to answer via google.

Current setup:
T47 inbound bottom bracket
Vegast cranks
Rotor direct mount 48/32 chainrings
Rotor 30mm gravel spindle (have a road spindle in the garage but I couldn't get it to work and spin freely. Although technically it should)

Need (/want!):
Would like to add a cheap, reliable, non-pedal based PM.

This seems to be the Sigeyi or Magene. (P2M too expensive, Rotor PM don't get good reviews).

1. I'd need to get a 48/31 GRX ring combo from rotor. Will the Sigeyi or Magene work with the 31 ring? Also, I don't need a Rotor spider if I'm getting a chain ring PM right?
2. Sigeyi/Magene say that it won't work with some (/all?) t47 inbound BB, but as I understand that's a spacing issue. Given I have the gravel spindle, shouldn't this give me the extra clearance I need for the PM? Does anyone run this setup?
The Sigeyi or Magene power meter spider is not compatible with SHIMANO GRX chainrings.
The SHIMANO GRX 2X chairnings has two sets of chainrings hole. 110BCD for big chainrings and 80BCD for small chairnings. ... 820-2.html
Sigeyi or Magene power meter spider does not have 80BCD chainrigns hole for the small chainrings.
And the position of GRX 110BCD chainrings hole is different to normal SHIMANO road chairnrings.
So, the 1X GRX chairnrings is not able to be used on normal 110BCD road spiders.
If you want to use SHIMANO GRX chairnings on power meter spider, P2M is your only choice on the world.
That's super helpful to understand the reasoning for this. Appreciate it.

If I go with Rotor 50/34 rings. Do you know if Sigeyi/Megene will work re: the spacing questions I had?

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by oldmac

fortyonethirty wrote:
Sun Jan 19, 2025 7:10 am
oldmac wrote:
Sun Jan 19, 2025 6:52 am
fortyonethirty wrote:
Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:04 am
A bit of a specific question which I haven't been able to answer via google.

Current setup:
T47 inbound bottom bracket
Vegast cranks
Rotor direct mount 48/32 chainrings
Rotor 30mm gravel spindle (have a road spindle in the garage but I couldn't get it to work and spin freely. Although technically it should)

Need (/want!):
Would like to add a cheap, reliable, non-pedal based PM.

This seems to be the Sigeyi or Magene. (P2M too expensive, Rotor PM don't get good reviews).

1. I'd need to get a 48/31 GRX ring combo from rotor. Will the Sigeyi or Magene work with the 31 ring? Also, I don't need a Rotor spider if I'm getting a chain ring PM right?
2. Sigeyi/Magene say that it won't work with some (/all?) t47 inbound BB, but as I understand that's a spacing issue. Given I have the gravel spindle, shouldn't this give me the extra clearance I need for the PM? Does anyone run this setup?
The Sigeyi or Magene power meter spider is not compatible with SHIMANO GRX chainrings.
The SHIMANO GRX 2X chairnings has two sets of chainrings hole. 110BCD for big chainrings and 80BCD for small chairnings. ... 820-2.html
Sigeyi or Magene power meter spider does not have 80BCD chainrigns hole for the small chainrings.
And the position of GRX 110BCD chainrings hole is different to normal SHIMANO road chairnrings.
So, the 1X GRX chairnrings is not able to be used on normal 110BCD road spiders.
If you want to use SHIMANO GRX chairnings on power meter spider, P2M is your only choice on the world.
That's super helpful to understand the reasoning for this. Appreciate it.

If I go with Rotor 50/34 rings. Do you know if Sigeyi/Megene will work re: the spacing questions I had?
I am using Sigeyi power meter with Rotor Aldhu carbon crank on my old Supersix EVO rim brake bike. I have no experience of Magene power meter.
The inner diameter of the Sigeyi power meter back cover is very close to the T47 bottom bracket, that is about 49mm.
According to my friend who is riding Trek bike with T47 bottom bracket, it needs to add some spacers to move the crankset a little bit to the right side.
Otherwise the power meter back cover will scratch with the T47 bottom bracket.

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by maristegi

Maybe someone can help.
Bought separately Sigeyi powermeter with Rotor interface, mainly to be able to install Shimano rings.
Ordered Aldhu Carbon crankarms and axle to fit, actually waiting for delivery from Rotor.
Somebody knows if preload nut is included with crankarms or axle? Or do I need to buy separately?
Aske to Rotor, but no reply yet.

BTW, really bad experience buying directly from Rotor webshop. Ordered one month ago and still didn´t get the parts, no stock for crankarms, they always say that "we are getting stock this week".

Posts: 20
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by longjnes

maristegi wrote:
Mon Jan 27, 2025 11:24 am
Maybe someone can help.
Bought separately Sigeyi powermeter with Rotor interface, mainly to be able to install Shimano rings.
Ordered Aldhu Carbon crankarms and axle to fit, actually waiting for delivery from Rotor.
Somebody knows if preload nut is included with crankarms or axle? Or do I need to buy separately?
Aske to Rotor, but no reply yet.

BTW, really bad experience buying directly from Rotor webshop. Ordered one month ago and still didn´t get the parts, no stock for crankarms, they always say that "we are getting stock this week".
preload is incuded with the crank. i see your setup will be aldhu+sigeyi+shimano rings
I also have your setup but with rotor rings
please consider that sigey spyder is 3.2mm thin while original rotor spider is 3.5mm
because of this i experiencied some external chain fall, until i placed a 0,2mm spacer in the small ring.
i don't know how sigeyi will work with shimano ring but probably you need also some spacer, in that case the correct size is M10x14, ... pt=glo2ita

Posts: 11
Joined: Tue Sep 27, 2022 9:53 am

by maristegi

Thanks for the info. I will check thickness of shimano spider tab to compare with Sigeyi, didn´t think that could be an issue.

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