Q36.5 Gear

Kit Brand Talk. Everything under the sun, including sunnies!
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by wheelbuilder

After 5+ years on Giordana FRC, and an experimental year on Etxeondo which I liked better but chamois durability was terrible...not even a full year on Orhi and Orhi Dinamic, I have ordered Dottore Pro bibs to see. Will report back but expectations are high.
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by wheelbuilder

wheelbuilder wrote:After 5+ years on Giordana FRC, and an experimental year on Etxeondo which I liked better but chamois durability was terrible...not even a full year on Orhi and Orhi Dinamic, I have ordered Dottore Pro bibs to see. Will report back but expectations are high.
Reporting back. After a good amount of time, conditions, and mileage, I now own 3 pair Dottore, 2 pair of Dottore Hybrid, and 1 unused Gregarious. The q labs air chamois is a real revelation to me as well as textile quality, construction methods, and placement.
I had a hard time figuring this out so if anyone is curious, the Dottore Hybrid uses the q lab air chamois... just without the microfiber "cover". It is exactly the same and not an EIT model as used in Gregarious or lower models.
Last edited by wheelbuilder on Sat Nov 09, 2024 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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by jayjay

Anybody with feedback for the Dottore Termico jacket?
Looks interesting.
https://www.q36-5.com/de-de/shop/dottor ... e-schwarz/

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by velomane

jayjay wrote:
Sat Nov 09, 2024 6:19 pm
Anybody with feedback for the Dottore Termico jacket?
Looks interesting.
https://www.q36-5.com/de-de/shop/dottor ... e-schwarz/
The black and green one is on sale plus get another 20% off until November 11 with code FLUO20.

I have it's predecessor, which very much looks the same as this one. Used it two days ago when the temperature was -3C at the start of my ride and +3 at the end. I had a short sleeve synthetic base layer underneath it. I was comfortable the entire time. The build is excellent and it fits me very well. The cut is fairly slim and form fitting. I would say the stated temperature range is accurate too. I'd ride it down to -7 or -8 with a heavier base layer. The inner zipped part makes it versatile for when you start getting too warm. The collar comes up just high enough for me and is not intrusive or tight.

I find all of Q36.5 clothing to be well made and durable.

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by nunokas

wheelbuilder wrote:
Sat Nov 09, 2024 7:24 am
wheelbuilder wrote:After 5+ years on Giordana FRC, and an experimental year on Etxeondo which I liked better but chamois durability was terrible...not even a full year on Orhi and Orhi Dinamic, I have ordered Dottore Pro bibs to see. Will report back but expectations are high.
Reporting back. After a good amount of time, conditions, and mileage, I now own 3 pair Dottorre Pro, 2 pair of Dottore Hybrid, and 1 unused Gregarious. The q labs air chamois is a real revelation to me as well as textile quality, construction methods, and placement.
I had a hard time figuring this out so if anyone is curious, the Dottorre Hybrid uses the q lab air chamois... just without the microfiber "cover". It is exactly the same and not an EIT model as used in Gregarious or lower models.
Another convert on Q36.5 bib religion :mrgreen:

Just did a six day bikepacking rotating two gregarius (EI pad) and they never fail to impress me. The hybrid jersey/jacket is another super versatile piece of equipment for these long days on the saddle.
I use only the dottore pro bibs for higher tempo rides.

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by Kayrehn

Quick question - between the Dottore and the Gregarius, which pad is thicker/firmer/more supportive?

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by wheelbuilder

Kayrehn wrote:Quick question - between the Dottore and the Gregarius, which pad is thicker/firmer/more supportive?

Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
So I have a few hundred miles on the q-labs chamois in the dottore pro and dottore hybrid and 3 hours of indoor roller sessions on the Gregarious with EIT.
The EIT is thicker and more "present" and feels similar to most other higher end chamois you may be used to. It is very good at what it does.
The q-labs is much thinner and wider/bigger surface area, and doesn't feel much like a traditional chamois at all. Pretty amazing piece of kit imo.
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by mf0u3021

Mindflash wrote:
Sun Sep 01, 2024 7:41 pm

How do Essential bibs compare to Assoss Mille GT?
Similar 'basic' short. Essential fits a lot better for me, I'm not a fan of the loose/flappy front on the Mille GT or the elastic leg bands. I'd probably go as far as to say the Essential bibs are the best shorts on the market for most people.

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