Incoming: Seka Spear, '690g' frameset
Moderator: robbosmans
I have a technical question. Does anyone else have the problem that none of the supplied plugs fit the hole for the mechanical derailleur cable? The plugs supplied are too small and could fall into the frame, which is why I taped up the hole. But I would prefer a plug that fits.
Can I ask what shop you bought ur bike through?Makko wrote: ↑Sat Sep 21, 2024 8:25 amI have a technical question. Does anyone else have the problem that none of the supplied plugs fit the hole for the mechanical derailleur cable? The plugs supplied are too small and could fall into the frame, which is why I taped up the hole. But I would prefer a plug that fits.
I would suggest you reach out to them and let them know us issues
Seka spear
factor 02 vam
factor 02 vam

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Hi everyone, administrator of WW speaking in regards to antihero.
tl;dr Version
1. We vetted antihero is Edward, who holds a position at Ciclo Werks, Ontario Canada.
2. Edward has been given feedback on Conflict of Interest, and to let readers decide for themselves the validity of his statements.
3. To address transparency, we are granting Edward a custom title: “Seka Distributor (North America)”.
4. In the coming days, the WW Team will adjust forum guidelines to enable Industry and Independent Individual Makers to interact more freely and transparently on our platform.
5. Please read the Final Message section at the bottom. Keep your passion and composure in check. Don’t mess this up.
This is coming at epic bad timing because I’ve been dying to do my 2 year longterm build review of my Seka Exceed after justinfoxphotos' build thread woke me up. Seka ownership has had some ugly woes, and some unexpected wins that are worth sharing.
Long Version
The Issue
Several WW denizens have flagged antihero’s posts over the past several weeks. The main issue is Conflict of Interest.
How We Got Here
As all have observed, antihero has posted positive praise of Seka’s latest model the Seka Spear, while also stating separately that he is North America’s distributor. He has also posted a ride impression review of the Spear, where he claimed to be unbiased in this review. The community, as well as the mods, perceived this as a conflict. Thus the moderator team locked, then eventually deleted this review.
Afterwards, similar smaller episodes emerged in this Spear thread. The mod team received several flag reports.
Mod Team’s Stance
We initially wanted to delete and vacation-ban everyone, but realizing we are all cyclists so we decided to do this the most painful way:
Figure out how to clear the air for as many people as possible — antihero, the forum, and the denizens of WW.
What the Team Did
We spoke directly with antihero. I made it clear to him that the reason why some are perceiving him in a negative light, is because one cannot sell a product and then claim to be unbiased in the same message. It is up to the readers to decide how they want to interpret the message. antihero agreed, and received this feedback well.
Seka is in Shambles
Here’s the situation: Seka as a brand has suffered immensely after the meltdown with Cycling100 (C100). As a recap, this was Seka’s international distribution website for when the Seka Exceed was released in 2021. C100 had communication and delayed fulfillment issues. This eroded the trust of interested cyclists. Eventually, Seka parted ways with C100.
Since then, North America has had zero distributors since C100 went bust. Seka releases a new model, the Spear, and this thread kicked off with Internet personalities which the mod team had to curtail. Then, an antihero emerges and now we are here in the present, possibly on yet another downward spiral.
It’s all happening here at our very own WW, folks.
Where do we go from here?
WW is missing a way for industry and independent-makers to engage freely & transparently on our platform. We will make two adjustments:
1. Update rules to allow for this, with guidelines
2. A vetting process for Industry folks by the mod team that confirms they are who they say they are
Once approved, Industry folks are granted a prominent username & title to call out who they represent. Guidelines are:
We confirmed antihero is Edward from Ciclo Werks, Ontario Canada via call and cross referencing with the Seka NA Dealer website. Edward granted us permission to disclose this on our forum.
He bought his Seka on his own dime right before becoming a distributor. He has prior experience working in the industry, developed a relationship with Scott Sun (Seka Sales Specialist for USA), and through that relationship became North America’s first distributor post C100 aftermath. Edward knows he is not an eloquent writer, but on the phone he is easy to speak with and is just a regular guy like me and you.
Edward shared with me that for every upset member in this thread, there has also been another kind member privately messaging him to keep his chin up. Like with anything, I immediately realized there are 2 Camps:
My goal is to weld us back as one WeightWeenies, with the hope to temper the situation for Group 1, and get Group 2 to speak up more freely.
Final Message
Guys listen, the Bike Industry is hard. For many of us this is a hobby. For them, they made their passion into a job. Any time someone from the industry steps into our forum they are taking a risk with trolls in order to engage with the overly passionate hobbyist community. Keep your passion and composure in balance. Let’s not squander these rare moments when an industry member emerges.
I get this started off on the wrong foot but I want to use this as a pilot experiment for future growth of the community.
Don’t mess this up.
tl;dr Version
1. We vetted antihero is Edward, who holds a position at Ciclo Werks, Ontario Canada.
2. Edward has been given feedback on Conflict of Interest, and to let readers decide for themselves the validity of his statements.
3. To address transparency, we are granting Edward a custom title: “Seka Distributor (North America)”.
4. In the coming days, the WW Team will adjust forum guidelines to enable Industry and Independent Individual Makers to interact more freely and transparently on our platform.
5. Please read the Final Message section at the bottom. Keep your passion and composure in check. Don’t mess this up.
This is coming at epic bad timing because I’ve been dying to do my 2 year longterm build review of my Seka Exceed after justinfoxphotos' build thread woke me up. Seka ownership has had some ugly woes, and some unexpected wins that are worth sharing.
Long Version
The Issue
Several WW denizens have flagged antihero’s posts over the past several weeks. The main issue is Conflict of Interest.
How We Got Here
As all have observed, antihero has posted positive praise of Seka’s latest model the Seka Spear, while also stating separately that he is North America’s distributor. He has also posted a ride impression review of the Spear, where he claimed to be unbiased in this review. The community, as well as the mods, perceived this as a conflict. Thus the moderator team locked, then eventually deleted this review.
Afterwards, similar smaller episodes emerged in this Spear thread. The mod team received several flag reports.
Mod Team’s Stance
We initially wanted to delete and vacation-ban everyone, but realizing we are all cyclists so we decided to do this the most painful way:
Figure out how to clear the air for as many people as possible — antihero, the forum, and the denizens of WW.
What the Team Did
We spoke directly with antihero. I made it clear to him that the reason why some are perceiving him in a negative light, is because one cannot sell a product and then claim to be unbiased in the same message. It is up to the readers to decide how they want to interpret the message. antihero agreed, and received this feedback well.
Seka is in Shambles
Here’s the situation: Seka as a brand has suffered immensely after the meltdown with Cycling100 (C100). As a recap, this was Seka’s international distribution website for when the Seka Exceed was released in 2021. C100 had communication and delayed fulfillment issues. This eroded the trust of interested cyclists. Eventually, Seka parted ways with C100.
Since then, North America has had zero distributors since C100 went bust. Seka releases a new model, the Spear, and this thread kicked off with Internet personalities which the mod team had to curtail. Then, an antihero emerges and now we are here in the present, possibly on yet another downward spiral.
It’s all happening here at our very own WW, folks.
Where do we go from here?
WW is missing a way for industry and independent-makers to engage freely & transparently on our platform. We will make two adjustments:
1. Update rules to allow for this, with guidelines
2. A vetting process for Industry folks by the mod team that confirms they are who they say they are
Once approved, Industry folks are granted a prominent username & title to call out who they represent. Guidelines are:
- No blatant or obnoxious advertisement, at the mod team’s discretion.
- Industry and Denizens of WW to treat each other with respect, as expected between seller and customer at a shop.
- Mods to ensure guidelines are followed by Industry, as well as guard Industry from Trolls.
We confirmed antihero is Edward from Ciclo Werks, Ontario Canada via call and cross referencing with the Seka NA Dealer website. Edward granted us permission to disclose this on our forum.
He bought his Seka on his own dime right before becoming a distributor. He has prior experience working in the industry, developed a relationship with Scott Sun (Seka Sales Specialist for USA), and through that relationship became North America’s first distributor post C100 aftermath. Edward knows he is not an eloquent writer, but on the phone he is easy to speak with and is just a regular guy like me and you.
Edward shared with me that for every upset member in this thread, there has also been another kind member privately messaging him to keep his chin up. Like with anything, I immediately realized there are 2 Camps:
- Camp 1 is a vocal angry group who distrusts Edward
- Camp 2 is a silent kind group who thinks Camp 1 is being dicks to Edward
My goal is to weld us back as one WeightWeenies, with the hope to temper the situation for Group 1, and get Group 2 to speak up more freely.
Final Message
Guys listen, the Bike Industry is hard. For many of us this is a hobby. For them, they made their passion into a job. Any time someone from the industry steps into our forum they are taking a risk with trolls in order to engage with the overly passionate hobbyist community. Keep your passion and composure in balance. Let’s not squander these rare moments when an industry member emerges.
I get this started off on the wrong foot but I want to use this as a pilot experiment for future growth of the community.
Don’t mess this up.
@maxim 809, thanks for all the extra effort. It's always nice if industry reps come here to help with questions - to simply serve customers and potential customers. The wise one's know that is the best marketing. Of course industry connections have to be disclosed or it always backfires. Turns into one big torch and pitchfork mob, which while fun for some, is not helpful to those looking for reliable info.
wheelsONfire wrote: When we ride disc brakes the whole deal of braking is just like a leaving a fart. It happens and then it's over. Nothing planned and nothing to get nervous for.
Thanks for that detailed post and your explanation. I think you did it the right way:thumbup:
Good to have you here!
Thanks for that detailed post and your explanation. I think you did it the right way:thumbup:
Good to have you here!

Cube Agree C:62 SLT 2021 (frame+fork) DA 9270 6.9x kg - ride-ready 7.25 kg w/pedals, cages, sensors, Wahoo mount
Velobuild GF-002 Force AXS 7.5 kg, ride-ready 7.775 kg w/200 ml Stan‘s, pedals, cages, sensors, Wahoo/Cateye mounts
Cube Agree C:62 SLT 2021 (frame+fork) DA 9270 6.9x kg - ride-ready 7.25 kg w/pedals, cages, sensors, Wahoo mount
Velobuild GF-002 Force AXS 7.5 kg, ride-ready 7.775 kg w/200 ml Stan‘s, pedals, cages, sensors, Wahoo/Cateye mounts
- Posts: 420
- Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2019 5:55 pm
Maybe related discussion could go elsewhere and we could talk about the Seka Spear?
- Posts: 854
- Joined: Sun Aug 06, 2023 2:26 pm
I still think with your claimed experience with different bikes you should take the time to really lay out some comparisons and impressions beyond the general praise you gave. It would be helpful for potential buyers, and if you also found a thing or two that you perhaps DONT like or issues you ran into and how Seka stepped in to help, would boost your credibility and maybe even give some feedback about what someone can expect dealing with SEKA.
Just my opinion, whatever little it may be worth.
Just my opinion, whatever little it may be worth.
I have been silently following this thread due to my interest in Seka Spear. Have also had talks with Edward re Seka when he disclosed he was a dealer (before seka put it on their site), after meeting him via a facebook discussion. Edward is very passionate about Seka. I am of the opinion some perhaps with trust issues unfairly attacked him. Seka, also has some work to do but its good to see they now have a NA dealer. Tried a few times to get their frameset (Exceed RDC, Spear) but there were too many hudles that I figure a NA dealer would now help solve. Plan to see how things develop with Seka in the next year or so and may then make a purchase. In the meantime I purcahsed the tarmac sl8 pro frameset because it was easily obtained without a 3 month or more wait time (seka needs to improve this). Have seen the unboxing and Seka spear builds (eg Gcperformance) and it does seem like a great product.
Hey weight weenie and seka spear fans.
I have great news. What I think is great news. I have been chatting with the owner about the weight issue. SEKA is promoting a 685g gram bike. The problem is this weight is a bare painted frame which they are not selling.
Not until now. I have convinced the owner to allow me to sell a special raw carbon clear coated bike to anyone is NA. This colour will only be open to NA customers. If you would like to get in on this colour please let me know.
I have to sell 20 frames to get this colour made. So all orders are welcome lol.
Thank you
I have great news. What I think is great news. I have been chatting with the owner about the weight issue. SEKA is promoting a 685g gram bike. The problem is this weight is a bare painted frame which they are not selling.
Not until now. I have convinced the owner to allow me to sell a special raw carbon clear coated bike to anyone is NA. This colour will only be open to NA customers. If you would like to get in on this colour please let me know.
I have to sell 20 frames to get this colour made. So all orders are welcome lol.
Thank you
Seka spear
factor 02 vam
factor 02 vam
I don't see a "wheight problem". And in terms of weight, however, the difference to the Spear in "Shadow Black" should hardly be there. Since the clear coat will and should also provide a thin layer (of protection and gramms).antihero wrote: ↑Mon Sep 23, 2024 4:14 amHey weight weenie and seka spear fans.
I have great news. What I think is great news. I have been chatting with the owner about the weight issue. SEKA is promoting a 685g gram bike. The problem is this weight is a bare painted frame which they are not selling.
Not until now. I have convinced the owner to allow me to sell a special raw carbon clear coated bike to anyone is NA. This colour will only be open to NA customers. If you would like to get in on this colour please let me know.
I have to sell 20 frames to get this colour made. So all orders are welcome lol.
Thank you
But nothing against the idea. I also like the clean look of visible carbon with a thin layer of clear coat over it - similar to Factor* or the Exceed RDC** in black at release and an extra "color-option" would be fine for all.
What should it look like in the end? Black decals (would be nice, from my point of view) and only clear coat?
Or will there be a touch of black mixed in to the clear coat to conceal unsightly areas (as is often the case to avoid the uproar of the kind - “here's a weird spot, is that ok?”) ?
** )?
* ... ct-image-5

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