synchronicity wrote: ↑Sun Oct 10, 2021 1:20 pm
Conza wrote: ↑Tue Oct 05, 2021 1:06 pm
Absolutely laughable. How dumb can you be... to believe that. Reality: lockdowns don't work.
What are you talking about?

Today we had 477 new cases in NSW Australia.
This is about 1/3rd of what it was only a few weeks ago.
Lockdowns work, although they have a delayed action.
I could equally make my own graph pointing to the decline and label those points "2 weeks after lockdown".
I see you have lumped the whole of Australia into one graph, rather than look at cities and regions on a case-by-case basis.
That's not very scientific at all! ... statistics

"a delayed reaction"

. 7 days -> 7 months later. Daft AF.
So the cases go down,
after lockdown's end? Yeah... much like Florida/other Scando countries+ opened up entirely and cases plummeted. Riddle me the fact that the most vaccinated county in Ireland (97%) has the most cases.
Victoria most locked down city in the world, and you'd thus conclude least spread of it in Aus at least... OH wait, N-O-P-E - record daily cases lately. muH sCiEnCE "delayed action"

They don't "work" from any rational basis. What does? The burden of proof ain't on me to establish that, since I'm not supporting innocent healthy individuals get put under house arrest. That burden is on you.
In any case, what would work? Allowing individuals to mitigate their OWN risk, and letting property owners stipulate whatever CONDITIONS OF ENTRY they want on their property/business... if that is ultra-vaxxed only etc. negative tests, mask etc. so be it.
But if A wants to go to B - and its clearly known there's 'loose conditions' and thus 'more risk' - what the hell is it C's business if A and B engage in that exchange?
All the blabbing about empirical studies are ultimately irrelevant. Do I have a right to decide what goes into my own body? i.e. self-ownership? Should property owners be able to determine what conditions someone can enter their premises?
Yes to both. That's what ultimately matters. That's the SOLUTION. That's the WIN-WIN for EVERYONE, regardless of your persuasion (pro-vax, anti-vax, pro-lockdown, anti-lockdown etc.).
Pro tip: anyone scared can self-isolate ('lockdown') any time you want. Don't need to threaten anyone or support state agents using violence against others, just live you sad life at home and leave the rest of us alone.