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by spud

TK421 wrote:
Thu Sep 09, 2021 4:49 pm
spud wrote:
Thu Sep 09, 2021 3:49 pm
TK421 wrote:
Thu Sep 09, 2021 2:00 pm
Mr.Gib wrote:
Wed Sep 08, 2021 4:45 am

I followed your logic and you're probably right. But I remain amazed at the bizarre stuff that people believe. That's what I was getting at. But we should forget our conversation and focus on this:

@TK421, what makes me think that I can point my finger at other people and call them stupid is that they are stupid. They have demonstrated that they are incabable of balanced processing (look it up) which renders them literally unable to distiguish reality from fantasy. Nothing surprising or unusual about this, it is simply part of the human condition and I accept it completely, but I still get to call them stupid. You seem pretty worked up about this - I think you just outed yourself :lol: :lol: . I quite honestly expect that the next thing you will do is ask me to prove that the earth is round. :P
You seem to have quite a grudge against the Bulgarians. Why is that, what have they done to you? Shouldn't a country/nation/individual have the freedom to make it's own choices? Or perhaps you're one of these narrow minded, brain washed and institutionalised Anglo-Saxon morons that won't accept other people opinions and choices in life especially if they don't follow the only narrative the globalist media outlets want you to believe? You guys have quite a rich history of destroying countries and killing millions with your bombs of democracy if nations don't toe the line. Perhaps you should bomb the Bulgarians now because they don't want to get injected with a dodgy vaccine? Hey, Sweden didn't do lockdown about calling them stupid or else?
If having 15 jabs makes you feel like a better person or if you belive the government's nonsense that wearing masks is safer and does anything then good for you. Wear them at home if you the bathroom, in your car and on the bike if you want.
One major flaw in your logic - trained medical professionals are the ones recommending vax and masks. Governments that recommend same are following the advice of professionals who actually know what they are talking about. The same professionals may change recommendations to some degree, based on data, rather than rhetoric.

But maybe you are comfortable flying transatlantic in an airplane designed and built by a high school dropout, and having an appendectory performed by the local counselman in his garage.

the people that compose the army of anti vaxxers are NOT storming the F-ing beach at Normandy. They are not freedom loving heroes. They've made a decision, based on flawed il/logic, to help keep the top spinning.
I would happily mask up and get jabbed IF any of this was making any little bit of sense or logic! So far the agenda from politicians and governments is complete and utter nonsese and applies only to us - the plebs! You do what you're told and you have no right to express opinion different from the common narrative! Your attitude is perfect example for that - beat up everyone that dares questioning!
A lot of high-profile politicians/celebrities have been caught not respecting the very rules they unlawfully enforce onto people - a very vivid case recently from Australia's PM! Ahhhhh, yes I know them 'professors' and top notch 'scientists', the same ones that are compliant, non-independent and filtered by the media and government right?
It seems the sum total of your arguement against vax/masks is that it's confusing, and you won't submit to government recommendations/edicts because nobody tells you what to do. In my admittedly fairly narrow social circles of college+ educated professionals, as well as bus drivers, we've all gotten the jab because we want avoid going to the hospital and possibly dying, and to do what we can to reduce the propagation of COVID. We haven't suffered from any significant side effects, and the government is not tracking us any more than usual.
In EVERY phase of your life, you interact with educated professionals who have, in some way, made your life better. The people that built and fly the airplane. The people that designed and built the bike you ride. The dentist who takes care of your teeth. The people that have subject matter expertise in areas that have significance on your life. Yet somehow, that doesn't include Doctors.

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by Andrew69

I would sincerely like to thank those in this thread providing comedic relief during this pandemic
Just like the virus doesnt respect borders, it seems neither does stupidity

by Weenie

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by ico

ghostinthemachine wrote:
Thu Sep 09, 2021 3:56 pm
ico wrote:
Thu Sep 09, 2021 6:37 am
I disagree that doctors almost universally recommending vaccination.
A few hundred very loud medical professionals ranting on the internet Vs the rest of the profession is, essentially, universal recommendation.

(many of those ranting aren't actually bonafide medical professionals, but that's another issue altogether)
No. The thing is that I remember those medical professionals, who criticised claims that vaccination is a "quick fix" for everything Covid, from their previous engagements of various preventive screening programs of public health (cancer etc.), so really trustworthy and reputable professionals, profesors atc.

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by TobinHatesYou

Nothing we say will convince some anti-vaxxers. Sometimes even drowning in their own mucus won't.

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by Andrew69

Can someone please clarify what is the reason they are against getting a vaccine?
And please dont say that the vaccines have been developed "too fast" and "not tested thoroughly" because mRNA vaccines have been in development for over 30 years

Edit: The "fast" development of mRNA vaccines for covid are simply an illustration of what is possible when there is an infinite number of resourses (both money and man-power) dedicated to finding a vaccine for a particular disease. Nothing more, nothing less

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by ico

I'm more against covidism, than against vaccine e.g. for risk groups.

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by Andrew69

Conspiracy therorists of the world unite!

Personally, I would like to thank our new overlords for the 5G chip they implanted in my arm. My iPhone has never worked better!
Also, the fact that I am now magnitised has come in very useful when I roll up to a set of traffic lights on my bike as now the sensors in the road pick up on that magnetism and I dont have to wait forever for the lights to change

In a world where every scientific discovery ever made is within easy reach of anyone with internet access, I never thought we as a species could be so damn stupid

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by Etienne

Andrew69 wrote:
Fri Sep 10, 2021 7:38 am
In a world where every scientific discovery ever made is within easy reach of anyone with internet access, I never thought we as a species could be so damn stupid
I don't think it's people being just plain stupid ... it's just that we all suffer of cognitive overload, some try to deal with it but very few succeed, and other don't.

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by Etienne

Etienne wrote:
Fri Sep 10, 2021 7:55 am
Andrew69 wrote:
Fri Sep 10, 2021 7:38 am
In a world where every scientific discovery ever made is within easy reach of anyone with internet access, I never thought we as a species could be so damn stupid
I don't think it's people being just plain stupid ... it's just that we all suffer of cognitive overload, some try to deal with it but very few succeed, and other don't.
PS : I don't consider myself very successful in dealing with that, and I have often been called a luddite when it comes to electronic shifting and disc braks ... but for once, I've been an early adopter and got my vaccine shots very early :mrgreen:

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by Mr.Gib

I am always fascinated how the reality challenged crowd's argument always descends into "government agenda". If the country is not a functioning democracy, OK all bets are off, but to hear these folks rant about sinister government plots in a democracy betrays a very weak grasp on reality. Government agendas in democracies concerning covid are all the same - to get as many people vaccinated as possible. Why? If everyone gets sick and the economy collapses the government will not get re-elected.

But this obvious and logical explanation is for some bizarre reason not good enough. Inevitably for these people it has to be about visions of concentration camps for the unvaccinated, forced medical procedures, Bill Gates, George Soros (must be some kind of Jewish conspiracy no doubt :roll:), mind control, and people getting rich. And all the doctors are in on it also, just like in Stalinist Russia. Stalin in fact had most of the doctors killed leaving only the quacks. That is the level of dillusion we are dealing with which is why a proper argument is pointless. Better to resort to mockery and if necessary forced medical procedures :P. Ooops slipped up there, accidently spilled the beans - sinister plot exposed.
wheelsONfire wrote: When we ride disc brakes the whole deal of braking is just like a leaving a fart. It happens and then it's over. Nothing planned and nothing to get nervous for.

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by basilic

In other news Denmark have just lifted all anti-transmission measures in public spaces, no masks, no distancing, no certificates, nothing. They're at 73% vaccine coverage, plus unknown % of naturally acquired immunity. It'll be interesting to see how that goes, many countries are not far from 73%.

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by Mr.Gib

Andrew69 wrote:
Fri Sep 10, 2021 7:38 am
In a world where every scientific discovery ever made is within easy reach of anyone with internet access, I never thought we as a species could be so damn stupid
Etienne wrote:
Fri Sep 10, 2021 7:55 am
I don't think it's people being just plain stupid ... it's just that we all suffer of cognitive overload, some try to deal with it but very few succeed, and other don't.
I don't believe it is stupidity nor is it cognitive overload. What drives the seemingly bizarre reactions to the Covid pandemic are pecularities of human personality and the perceptual process. Without getting deep into the psychology, some poeple posess personality characteristics that create a powerful fear that they are not in control of their lives, that what happens to them is the result of the actions of others (see research on Externals vs Internals) which necessarily is driven by mal-intent. I beleive what we see is a rebellion against this - a desparate grab for at least some control. As for the ludicrous beliefs that these people hold, these stem from perceiving only information that fits into their distorted world view, and the complete failure to percieve any information that is contrary. The human mind is even capable of completing distorting information that is contrary but that cannot be avoided to fit the preferred narrative. This is normal and natural and has deep genetic roots in human evolution. Overcoming these challenges as most people do requires more reliance on "openess", another significant personality trait (see research on the "big five" traits of personality). The net result is that logical argument is mostly futile. Even a dead body may not be enough to change minds as you will likely hear something like "my child didn't die from Covid, they died from a Covid test". :noidea:
wheelsONfire wrote: When we ride disc brakes the whole deal of braking is just like a leaving a fart. It happens and then it's over. Nothing planned and nothing to get nervous for.

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by TobinHatesYou

At it's core it's "us vs them." Same with xenophobia. Same with racism, classism and any other form of persecution. In this case the anti-vaxxers have convinced themselves they're being persecuted. Being a mainline conservative political stance is also a driving factor.

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by OnTheRivet

TobinHatesYou wrote:
Sat Sep 11, 2021 8:04 pm
At it's core it's "us vs them." Same with xenophobia. Same with racism, classism and any other form of persecution. In this case the anti-vaxxers have convinced themselves they're being persecuted. Being a mainline conservative political stance is also a driving factor.
You are on the wrong side of history on this one and it's going to take a few years but you are going to feel like a total dick when you have to walk back on your shitty ideas.

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by OnTheRivet

And I'll leave this thread with this.

by Weenie

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