Virus And Riding.

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by siwong1210

It was pretty bad last week in Marin. Literally everyone in the Bay Area decided to be outside. Luckily I caught the last day Point Reyes was open before they shut it down Sunday lol

by Weenie

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by scapie

out of interest why don't you just stay inside? its not really that tough and in the scheme of things it won't even be that long? if you don't ride for a month or two, does it really matter?

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by siwong1210

For me, I thought everyone would be trapped inside their toilet paper castles and leave the wilderness open. Turns out that's not the case when half the city shuts down :( I've been cycling indoor since lol

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by MoPho

scapie wrote:
Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:39 am
out of interest why don't you just stay inside? its not really that tough and in the scheme of things it won't even be that long? if you don't ride for a month or two, does it really matter?
You must not have young children at home :lol:


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by nickf

The multi-use trail around me is a shit show. The thing I don't like is your grandparents out riding on the trails, wobbly as hell with no helmets on. THOSE types of "cyclists" are the real issue not people on this forum. More than half of the people on the multi-use trail riding a bike is without a helmet. At this point, the trail is way more dangerous because of brain dead parents and their offspring wondering all over the place without helmets. They should be the ones staying home.

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by IrrelevantD

MoPho wrote:
Fri Mar 27, 2020 9:44 am
scapie wrote:
Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:39 am
out of interest why don't you just stay inside? its not really that tough and in the scheme of things it won't even be that long? if you don't ride for a month or two, does it really matter?
You must not have young children at home :lol:
Or children in general.

I have three 11-year-old boys that are now having to continue school from home. I've made an office in my garage so I can continue to work from home. Thankfully it's not summer yet and still only arround 80ºF +/- 10º here in Texas (21-32ºC). If I don't get out of the house to go ride in the mornings things are going to get messy.
* There is a 70% chance that what you have just read has a peppering of cynicism or sarcasm and generally should not be taken seriously.
I'll leave it up to you to figure out the other 30%. If you are in any way offended, that's on you.

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by IrrelevantD

nickf wrote:
Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:45 pm
The multi-use trail around me is a shit show. The thing I don't like is your grandparents out riding on the trails, wobbly as hell with no helmets on. THOSE types of "cyclists" are the real issue not people on this forum. More than half of the people on the multi-use trail riding a bike is without a helmet. At this point, the trail is way more dangerous because of brain dead parents and their offspring wondering all over the place without helmets. They should be the ones staying home.
Roads are damn near empty arround here. All the moutain bikers are complaining about people on the MUPs and the trails being closed... right now is the safest I've seen the roads in decades.
* There is a 70% chance that what you have just read has a peppering of cynicism or sarcasm and generally should not be taken seriously.
I'll leave it up to you to figure out the other 30%. If you are in any way offended, that's on you.

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by mr_tim

The awareness of contagiousness is quite low seemingly. Lots of fairly blasé feeling in here about the actual risk / problem.

Levels of actual testing and identification of infected people are extremely low.

Far far more people have the disease than is reported or actively identified in the media.

Here in the UK the expectation is for 60% of the population to be infected.

With the medical situation - the doctors guidance now is for anyone over 70 to not be placed on breathing support.

In Italy breathing support is not being provided to anyone over 60

Distancing is the key to breaking the contagious cycle. So do what you feel you want to do.
But do it safely, keep distances and don't take huge risks that might lead you to need to go to A&E.

Lets face it if your in A&E you are at a much greater risk of contracting all manner of further illnesses too.

Sorry for the lecture but I am knowing and hearing too many people dying and it seems like no one takes this seriously.

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by TobinHatesYou

The US is on track to surpass China in deaths in about 5 days and should be NUMBA ONE in death count in 10 days. The US also has fewer hospital beds per 1000ppl than Italy... The next 6 weeks are going to be very, very bad, especially in NYC.

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by 3Pio

MyM3Coupe wrote:
Thu Mar 19, 2020 5:55 am
Hellgate wrote:
Thu Mar 19, 2020 1:38 am
Been riding pretty much every day for the past 3 weeks. Go ride people!
Well done moron. Who cares about a dangerous virus as long as you can play on your tricycle. Enjoy.
Im also riding outside as much as i can ....

The most important thing u can do now is to keep ur immune system high, and u wont do that staying home at panic and beeing depresive, have bad sleep etc.. Also D Vitamine is producing beeing exposed to Sun, vital for High Immune system..

I really cant see the logic to dont ride outside solo..

Before someone mention that if u crash no hospital beds, just to mention my last season: 14000 km training + 5000 km commute.. Not crashed at all.. But i had injury cleaning my home (i fall down on cable of vacum cleaner), and result: two weeks swollen arm..

And regarding the danger of the virus? What will be the solution? Staying home? For how long? Im more afraid of results of world lockdown then from virus it self .. Economy will be destroyed, chain supply also.. People will get depressed and anxious..

Also here at least all non urgent medical checks/surgery's are canceled delayed.. How many are out there that maybe have some terminal disease in early stage which wont be detected because of this?

Does this look like proper solution?

In Technology there is something called Point of Singularity.. U want to protect ur system from viruses for example.. Can i make 100% safe system? YES.. But everything will be so restrictive that i'll do harm and destroy the main sysem functions that i was afraid from viruses.. So Point of Singularity is to apply some protection but to the point to dont destroy the system u have...Things we are doing now are beyond this point..

Again for how long u will stay locked home? For me that kind of solution is like getting Loan to Pay Loan which u get to pay Loan and hopping that mirracle will happen, instead of trying to solve main problem (try to find job, or something that will make u income..) And do u believe we are that good isolated so virus wont spread even u stay home? Just matter of time.. And before u link me the: Flatten the Curve mantra, after a while we just delaying that many cases will happen at once..... But i like Sweden approach or Holland..

Raise ur Immune System now maybe u'll need it..

So definetely be carrefull (Wash ur hands, dont touch ur face, avoid beeing with many peoples at once), but dont be in Panic, Fear etc...

Go Ride outside (SOLO)

p.s. And please dont be an as*ole when u drive ur M3 Coupe regarding cyclist.. Give the a space, slow down.. Dont put them in danger feeling "protected" in ur "M3Coupe", like now u feel protected in ur mansion probably..
Last edited by 3Pio on Sat Mar 28, 2020 8:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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by 3Pio

1415chris wrote:
Fri Mar 20, 2020 4:05 pm
Mybe not directely, but in the case of accident, you can be placed in the ICU, taking the bead off somewone in serious covid-19 respiratory condition. Or you may not get a level of medical help as you would in normal circumstances.

Just to mention my last season: 14000 km training + 5000 km commute.. Not crashed at all.. But i had injury cleaning my home (i fall down on cable of vacum cleaner), and result: two weeks swollen arm..If they lock me down home, more cleaning will be done, and put me more in danger from my Vacum Cleaner.. And since Supply Chain is definetely not working now, it's almost no possability to even buy less Dangerous Vacum Cleaner.. HELP :) Dont get me stucked at home With Vacum Cleaner which once allready tried to make me harm.... :) If he tried once, probably he'll do it again....

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by 3Pio

Hellgate wrote:
Sat Mar 21, 2020 1:34 am
1415chris wrote:Mybe not directely, but in the case of accident, you can be placed in the ICU, taking the bead off somewone in serious covid-19 respiratory condition. Or you may not get a level of medical help as you would in normal circumstances.
I'm not worried. Over the past 40 years of "serious" cycling I've not been hospitalized. Traffic is minimal. I'm really not concerned about me as 200,000 of 7.5B ppl have the virus. I wash my hands, work from home, etc. I'm going riding. If it makes anyone feel better, it rained all day, and I was limited to my home gym.

This is some nice logic and reasonable thinking.... Here rained all day two days ago, and still get go riding (hey, i spend so much money on Fancy Clothes that promise to protect us from rain..) Way to top of mountain was blocked by police, so i done 5 times from bottom to that part.. Of course i asked them first if they would mind.. They did not.. Even i think they had some respect....


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by TobinHatesYou

It's not about "me," my immune system or anything like that. It's two very specific things.

1) Riding solo can still be dangerous. Motorists are dumb. You 'might' end up needed medical attention.
2) Coronavirus can survive several days on mixed surfaces. If you go out riding, don't touch literally anything.

I'm not 100% against people riding solo, but I wouldn't do it frequently. This shit isn't to be trifled with.

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by 3Pio

TobinHatesYou wrote:
Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:15 pm
It's not about "me," my immune system or anything like that. It's two very specific things.

1) Riding solo can still be dangerous. Motorists are dumb. You 'might' end up needed medical attention.
2) Coronavirus can survive several days on mixed surfaces. If you go out riding, don't touch literally anything.

I'm not 100% against people riding solo, but I wouldn't do it frequently. This shit isn't to be trifled with.

1. There is thin line between beeing paranoid and reasonable sometimes.. Dont be paranoid.. Be Reasonable.. Even staying home u might end up needed medical attention..

2. Then when u go to supermarket again dont touch anything.. Even in supermarket more chances to touch something infected with virus vs riding outside solo...

Again.. Dont be paranoid and lead by irational fear and panic.. Be reasonable and logical...And dont trust everything media telling u (few days ago there was a fake story of "UltraFit Cyclist who ride every Sunday 50 km and got infected buy virus and he is fighting for his life..." or "Terrific pictures from Croatia fighting with Corona virus.. " Even those pictures was connected with earthquake and not virus...

Irational panic and fear will do more harm long term then virus it self... So dont be in Panic and Paranoid....

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by TobinHatesYou

I don’t go to the supermarket. I get delivery, I move the non-perishables into the garage and leave them there for 3 days. I disinfect what I can.

Mostly I don’t feel compelled to ride outside right now. It’s something I’m willing to give up for a few months. I don’t mind Zwift...hell, it’s better training than trying to structure outdoors.

You know who basically paraphrased your last statement? Donald Trump. Also crying about fake news... I only need the Johns Hopkins list to come to the conclusion that the virus is not a hoax or a construct of paranoia.

by Weenie

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