I was reading this topic and looking at the plan tapeworm sketched out:
Day 1: [4x30sec efforts ON/30 sec off] x 2, minimum 10mins recovery.
Day 2: 2x20min efforts at TT pace, minimum 10mins recovery in between.
Day 3: Long very easy ride.
Day 4: 5x5mins @ TT pace +5-10%, 1 mins rest between efforts.
Day 5: Long easy ride (plus 4x sprints if you need it).
Day 6: Very long ride (~4hrs)
Day 7: Rest
BTW, I'm also reading Carmichael's Time Crunched book for ideas.
Basically, I have almost unlimited time to train but I really don't want to be on the bike that much. The 6-8 hours is perfect. I might hit 9 or 10 hours on some big weeks in the summer.
Anyway, my question is whether people find they recover enough to train 6 days a week. I edged towards burnout late this summer after my riding time and intensity ramped up. I'm also 52 years old and don't have the same energy that I did when 25. I don't race anymore but I do a fast paced group ride every weekend .
I was thinking that if I'm going to typically ride 100-150 miles per week, it would be better to do it over 3 or 4 days with full days of rest in between rather than doing shorter rides over 5-6 days. What do people think? My weekend group ride is around 45 miles in the winter and 50-60 in the summer.