Where or how do you store your smartphone while riding?

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by fatpinarellorider

The thing is, I'm not using a traditional cycling jersey but just using base layers. And they don't have pockets.

So my situation is that I previously had a 3G dumbphone. They've abandoned that network now so can't do that anymore.

And I'd rather not get another separate phone as then I either have to swap sim cards almost daily or else buy another simcard (which always inevitably expires or whatever)

I don't seem to have space for a 6.5" phone. My saddlebag is stuffed with tools, wouldn't want it smashing around in there against my screen anyway).

I don't want to install it on my handlebar either. Don't need to look at it, don't want to.
I got another frame bag, the zipp speedbox, more for snacks and spare tubes, it won't fit in there. :x

So lately I've just been going for rides and not even taking my phone with me.😬
I haven't had too much bad luck so far but don't want to continue/risk doing that anymore.
But I think that is not very smart. Because one day I'm going to get run over and won't even be able to call the ambulance.

Surely I can't be the only one with this dilemma?

by Weenie

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