As a man who's turning 55 this coming december, I would just like to say...

A light bike doesn't replace good fitness.

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by Catagory6

hit a new VO2Max this morning


definitely going to get lab tested, if it not too expensive

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by Catagory6

ms6073 wrote:
Mon Aug 19, 2024 5:00 pm
Catagory6 wrote:
Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:00 am
i have dropped quite a bit of weight
in the past 2-3 months i've gone from 152 down to 142
Wow, that is a considerable drop at your age. So not trying to be snarky, just genuine curiosity, and I understand if you don't want to answer, but is the weight loss from a healthier lifestyle and a good training regimen or are you also leveraging a Semaglutide based prescription?

focused training and very strict diet
i did gain back about 6 lbs in the past few weeks, but i think its almost all muscle
i lift a lot, and recently started blasting quads and dumbbell press, after ignoring them for a couple years

by Weenie

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by stoney

Catagory6 wrote:
Sat Aug 31, 2024 4:11 am
focused training and very strict diet
i did gain back about 6 lbs in the past few weeks, but i think its almost all muscle
i lift a lot, and recently started blasting quads and dumbbell press, after ignoring them for a couple years
That's the way to do it. Nice work!

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by Juanmoretime

According to my Garmin I'm 1% too. VO2 Max of 52 age 67.5.

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by benp

I don’t believe the Garmin VO2 score. I’ve been using Garmin watches and Edge computers for years. I am 53, overweight, but fit and give the flyweights a run for the money except on the longer sustained climbs, and despite making sure my inputs are correct I range from 58 to 65.Image

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by Requiem84

benp wrote:
Sun Sep 01, 2024 4:42 pm
I don’t believe the Garmin VO2 score. I’ve been using Garmin watches and Edge computers for years. I am 53, overweight, but fit and give the flyweights a run for the money except on the longer sustained climbs, and despite making sure my inputs are correct I range from 58 to 65.Image
What's your weight, FTP, max heart rate and at which heartrate can you do 90% FTP?

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by benp

105kg, 333W, 171 and absolutely no idea what watts I can hold at 90% FTP, but suspect close to my FTP. I do a lot of rides (upto 3hrs) and come back with a NP of 315-320, so that would suggest my FTP should be higher (however TrainerRoad virtual and Xert all give roughly the same estimate)

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by Catagory6

just got 58


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