Final weight currently is 6,96kg but will go to 6.8 once all pieces are coming next months
If you are willing to compromise on functionality and slap some more money on it you could save on bottle cages, lighter tpu, 25mm tires instead of 28mm, full carbon saddle, lower wheels (now 56) or go for the scope wheels pare so in 45 weighing only 1120gr
The only things still a bit of a concern is the rotor alshu crank fitting on a t47a bracket. My mechanic used 2mm spacers on both sides while rotor tells only 2mm on one side. However the chainrings come far to close to the frame and the front derailleur is at its max of adjustment so that can't be right
We the 2spacers left and right no preload needs to be turned in more or less and front derailleur can be properly adjusted and space with the frame and inner ring looks normal.
Will give some update when others want to fit a rotor aldhu