And functionally, in a time where a few short years ago when #aerowaseverything, and the slightest unnecessary protrusion was cause for a life sentence from the aero police, it’s so funny that the non aeroness of those discs and associated calipers where before there were none became acceptable and really “not that bad”. Same as the additional weight. “not that bad”. Really, not that bad?... in a world where fractions of watt savings are considered relevant? Hmmm, seems like a disconnect somewhere. Rim brakes were always either in front of or behind the forks/stays so additional drag was pretty minimal, and always less weight, but so unprofitable going forward. But these new barnacles, of very non aero shapes, and the widended stance of the rear triangle needed to accommodate them, all of a sudden became well, ok. Ok then... carry on... I just can’t unsee the barnacles whenever I’m behind a disc braked road bike. They’re hideous. Look away.