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by tarmackev

There seem to be a lot right now.

Top of my list is Vegan Cyclist. Such a positive and cool channel. I want to be his friend.

Anything with J-Pow, a charismatic, likeable and inspiring man.

Cam Nichols the Australian chap is great as well and has a sense of humour about himself. A really great show.

Hambini, I love him. Just wish he posted more.

Luescher Teknik, really informative.

Durian Rider, hit and miss. Sometimes fun. Sometimes just a troll. Definitely losing popularity these days.

They’re the only ones I take the time to watch. Any other good ones out there? As a UK guy I should like GCN, it’s okay but all the presenters are basically the same. There’s very little between any of them, they’re all okay. It’s vanilla.

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by hlvd

Check out Francis Cade, it's quite good, especially Bike Fit Tuesdays.

by Weenie

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by Point

hlvd wrote:
Sun Aug 16, 2020 2:22 pm
Check out Francis Cade, it's quite good, especially Bike Fit Tuesdays.
Agreed, Francis' videos are pretty good. A nice mixture of topics from bike fitting to bike packing.
I'd also recommend Juliet Elliot for a bit of laughter/crazyness and light hearted watching - Plenty of bikepacking all over the world too.
Road - Burls Custom Ti
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Gravel - Carbonda CFR 696

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by Lewn777

Agree with vegan cyclist, and Durian troll, Hambini cool but has too many biases and charges too much for his BBs, not sure about Cam Nichols, not really my style. I really like Dylan Johnson ... _VfLgj_dow and Chris Miller ... X1GPAMZqJw

Dunno about J-Pow who is he?

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by Dannnnn

Shane miller - good if you're into power meters and stuff

Vegan cyclist - agreed with what you've said. He's a good watch and replies on social media too

Phil Gaimon - I quite like him, his books are decent enough too.

Hambini - well I like the technical side of it and he's a bit of a laugh

GCN - very repetitive and so over sponsored/bias in their reviews but Manon Llloyd

Cam Nichols is good too.

I'm sure there's more that I'm sub'd to.

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by gwilson

I discovered Dylan Johnson's channel in the last year and it is one of the most informative and interesting channels I've found.

Adding a few more no one has listed yet:

Lanterne Rouge is great if you like detailed breakdowns of pro racing and tactics. Some of his videos are obscure or older races, but those can often be the most interesting ones. ... ApL0wGfH5w

Cameron Jeffers is fun to watch, just a great rider with a camera making videos about interesting challenges and rides. ... j3RWV1ktMw

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by ichobi


Rides of Japan
China Cycling
Peak Torque

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by AnkitS

Dark Install and Cyclespeed sports are both WW members and have good content. Both of them have stopped posting recently.

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by pdlpsher1

Some of my subscriptions that haven't been mentioned yet.

Jasper Verkuijl
Silca Velo
NorthCal Cycling
Gravel Cyclist
Lionel Sanders
Oz Cycle
Ronald Kuba
Victor Campenaerts
Ride Adelaide

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by sychen

During this pandemic definitely been on YouTube alot more..

No particular order of my regulars.

Rides of Japan (great WW gear content, some self wrenching, scenery around Japan's Central mountains)
Gcn (general content/reviews, various challenges, pro Racing news)
Cycling tips (reviews)
Bike radar (general reviews)
Francis cade (random content, rides around London, Bikefit, Adventure rides, general state of cycling in UK)
Julie Elliot (random weird content)
Cam nicols (random.. Currently on hiatus)
Chris Miller (Sydney local racing talk and rides)
Phil Gaimon (ex pro talk/kom/everesting/training)
Rides of Adelaide (gravel stuff)
Gravel cyclists ( gravel stuff)
Chris Opie (ex gcn, unretired pro.. Training)
Vegan cyclist (great fun riding aroumd norcal and interesting trips pre pandemic "racing" fondos and crit actions.)
Alex Dowsett ( current pro with ISN.. Training and general pro life on the road)
GmBN (mtb stuff)
Jasper Verkuijl (some good destination ride content)
NorthCal Cycling (crit racing talk)
in Cycle (features and news)
Victor Campenaerts(current pro, training talk during iso)
Shane Miller (power meter/zwift / general cycling tech)
Dcrainmaker (sporting tech news andreviews.. pm/trainers/zwift/gps/watches)

Some observations..
Most of the English channel hosts love complaining about head winds and weather...(ahem Francis)

Some of the greeting gimmick phrases are super annoying... I just skip the first 30secs of those videos.

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by CarlosFerreiro

Try the "Fernwee" YT channel. A bit like a Dutch (but English language) Francis Cade - riding friends vlog with trips and tech and stuff, and very nice filming.
As above Rides of Japan for sure
Ali Clarkson for great UK trials/streettrials/MTB
Pat Smage for US Fatbike trials/tech trails skills

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by RTW

Dannnnn wrote:
Sun Aug 16, 2020 6:11 pm

GCN - very repetitive and so over sponsored/bias in their reviews but Manon Llloyd
You know that GCN doesn't review things, don't you? There wont be a score, or a 'this is better than that'. It interests me when people say this, because I wonder what they have seen which they think is a review.

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by robbosmans

I cant watch GCN anymore with Manon’s voice, I really dont want to hate, but some people just dont have a the voice to present stuff.

I only watch vids from Si and JPow

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by tarmackev

Some top recommendations there!

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by hlvd

Just discovered Peak Torque on YouTube.

The presenter must have an engineering background as he seems very knowledgeable about anything technical, with Hambini like terminology.

by Weenie

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