At the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
Edit: More final build pics and discussion added down-thread.
Hey, I've spent alot of time watching the board without saying much. But I've just begun my first bike build, and I thought I should introduce myself (especially as I am sure to need some help with this project)! I used to ride road quite a bit in college, but stopped after I graduated and only recently returned, thanks in part to watching some great road racing on Versus last season, which got the juices flowing again. My college bike was a rather twitchy circa 1990 or so aluminum Canondale Criterium frame (I think it was a C300 maybe?), with a mix of SunTour superbe pro and lesser-line components, tube shifters, and all the old school stuff. No clue what happened to it in the intervening 15 years. I figured I might as well get something tough and inexpensive to replace it as I was getting back into cycling (since I've been known to pick up hobbies and then drop them before!), so I bought an 05 LeMond Sarthe with Campy Veloce, which I figured I could beat to h*ll without too much worry (plus, I must admit I thought the cream sickle color scheme was very cool). I love the Sarthe for what it is, but of course I am now totally hooked again and decided to put something a bit more fun together. Here's the proposed new build, at least the parts I have collected so far, most of which I picked up used here and there when I found a good deal (I'm 5'7, 150 lbs, by the way):
- 2005 Fuji Team Issue C7 frame 52cm (the dark blue one that says "Fuji" everywhere). Think it's about 1100g, and the fork another 400g or so -- not amazing, but a great deal lighter than my plat ox sarthe.
2008 Campy Record 10 UT crankset 172.5 39-53 (LeMond had a compact, which was fun, so this may be a big mistake -- all the more reason to get the legs fit I guess)
2005 Campy Record 10 grouppo (12-25 steel/ti cassette)
ZIPP SL carbon bars 40cm (new)
ZIPP 145 stem 100mm
Yokozuna Reaction cables (new)
Look Keo carbon (new)
2008 Campy Eurus wheelset
Sella Italia SLR gel flo saddle
Don't have a seatpost yet. Was thinking Thomson Masterpiece, or maybe KCNC or something, but really not sure. First I need to figure out whether I ought to go with set-back post or not, I suppose. We'll see.
At any rate, I'm hoping this comes in somewhere within the 15 lb range, but who knows. Let me know what you think -- maybe we can start a pool and closest to the eventual mark (without pedals or computer) gets a digital high five. Obviously, I'm not going for super WW with this build, as there's no reason for my purposes other than the fun of it, plus the wife isn't too crazy about the idea of spending the kind of dough true WW status would require. Nonetheless, I think the above will be a great ride and a fun project, and hopefully a big change from the LeMond (which again, is a great ride and trainer bike, but what can I say, I like the flash).
So, anyway, that's my story. Hello, all.
Pic of the Fuji frame: