2005 Fuji C7 Team Issue: 14.5 lbs (see page 2 for more pix)

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by worstshotever

The Final Build (as of May 2010):

At the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Edit: More final build pics and discussion added down-thread.

Hey, I've spent alot of time watching the board without saying much. But I've just begun my first bike build, and I thought I should introduce myself (especially as I am sure to need some help with this project)! I used to ride road quite a bit in college, but stopped after I graduated and only recently returned, thanks in part to watching some great road racing on Versus last season, which got the juices flowing again. My college bike was a rather twitchy circa 1990 or so aluminum Canondale Criterium frame (I think it was a C300 maybe?), with a mix of SunTour superbe pro and lesser-line components, tube shifters, and all the old school stuff. No clue what happened to it in the intervening 15 years. I figured I might as well get something tough and inexpensive to replace it as I was getting back into cycling (since I've been known to pick up hobbies and then drop them before!), so I bought an 05 LeMond Sarthe with Campy Veloce, which I figured I could beat to h*ll without too much worry (plus, I must admit I thought the cream sickle color scheme was very cool). I love the Sarthe for what it is, but of course I am now totally hooked again and decided to put something a bit more fun together. Here's the proposed new build, at least the parts I have collected so far, most of which I picked up used here and there when I found a good deal (I'm 5'7, 150 lbs, by the way):

    2005 Fuji Team Issue C7 frame 52cm (the dark blue one that says "Fuji" everywhere). Think it's about 1100g, and the fork another 400g or so -- not amazing, but a great deal lighter than my plat ox sarthe.
    2008 Campy Record 10 UT crankset 172.5 39-53 (LeMond had a compact, which was fun, so this may be a big mistake -- all the more reason to get the legs fit I guess)
    2005 Campy Record 10 grouppo (12-25 steel/ti cassette)
    ZIPP SL carbon bars 40cm (new)
    ZIPP 145 stem 100mm
    Yokozuna Reaction cables (new)
    Look Keo carbon (new)
    2008 Campy Eurus wheelset
    Sella Italia SLR gel flo saddle

Don't have a seatpost yet. Was thinking Thomson Masterpiece, or maybe KCNC or something, but really not sure. First I need to figure out whether I ought to go with set-back post or not, I suppose. We'll see.

At any rate, I'm hoping this comes in somewhere within the 15 lb range, but who knows. Let me know what you think -- maybe we can start a pool and closest to the eventual mark (without pedals or computer) gets a digital high five. Obviously, I'm not going for super WW with this build, as there's no reason for my purposes other than the fun of it, plus the wife isn't too crazy about the idea of spending the kind of dough true WW status would require. Nonetheless, I think the above will be a great ride and a fun project, and hopefully a big change from the LeMond (which again, is a great ride and trainer bike, but what can I say, I like the flash).

So, anyway, that's my story. Hello, all.

Pic of the Fuji frame:
Last edited by worstshotever on Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:04 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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by micky

Althought that Fuji isn't the newest frame in the market, I've heard plenty of good comments here and there.
Keep us updates with pics on the built! :thumbup:

by Weenie

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by worstshotever

Thanks. I was looking at an 06 Team Issue Scott CR-1 -- definitely more weight weenie focused -- but I ran into a deal on this Fuji frame I couldn't resist -- $428 for frame, fork, and headset. Using the way-back internet machine, I finally was able to dig up Fuji's claimed specs on the bike. Looks like my build is a lot like the standard Euro version of the Team Issue from 2005, which came with Campy Record 10 and a Campy Zonda wheelset. My Eurus wheels are a couple hundred grams lighter, and my seat/bars/stem/seatpost will be slightly lighter than the stock Ritchey WCS kit the Euro version came with as well. According to Fuji, the originally equiped bike came in at 15.4 lbs, but who knows how accurate that was. Nonetheless, the more I look at the part weights I'm using, the more I think I can push up against the 15 pounds barrier with a little work. According to my preliminary calcuations, which are very rough, I might be around 6825g right now without pedals or computer. We shall see.
Last edited by worstshotever on Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:22 am, edited 2 times in total.

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by TheBugMan

Great deal on the frame, that's how I roll when it comes to buying frames, wait a few yrs and get it for less.

It took about 8 months for me to put the Bianchi together after getting the used frame. I hope it doesn't take you that long.
Anyways, can't wait to see the finished product.
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by worstshotever

Update, now that I have nearly everything for the build in my posession. Everything but saddle and tape, as I am waiting for the build up to see what color scheme will look best ... right now I'm leaning toward white tape with a white Sella Italia kit carbonio flow slr saddle (I like the flow slr shape). So here's the near final build list, all weighed by me except a couple items:

Item / Description / g
Frame: 2005 Fuji Team Issue C7 [1095g]
Fork: Fuji Lightweight [409g]
Headset: FSA Orbit Z3 internal [86.5g]
Seatpost Clamp: Fuji [23g]
Expander plug: Ultrastar extralite [9g]
Bars: Ritchey Superlogic II carbon 42cm [187g]
Stem: Zipp 145 100mm [147g]
Stem top cap / bolt: Zipp [16g]
Spacers: Omni Racer carbon 15mm [9g]
Crankset: 2008 Campy Record UT [642g]
BB cups: Campy Engl + ring/wavy washer [58g]
Chain: KMC X10SL ti [244g] (not degreased)
RD: 2006 Campy Record 10 [188g]
FD: 2006 Campy Record 10 [72g]
Brakes: 2006 Campy Record 10 [311g]
Cassette: 2006 Campy Record10 sti 12-25 [190g]
Levers: 2006 Campy Record 10 [350g]
FD clamp: Parlee carbon 31.8mm [7g]
Wheelset: 2008 Campy Eurus [1550g] (claimed)
Tires: Conti GP 4000s [410g] (claimed)
Post: Thompson Masterpiece 310mm layback [192g] (uncut)
Cables: Yokozuna Reaction [249g] (uncut)
Pedals: Look Keo carbon [229g]
Saddle: Selle Italia SLR kit carbonio flow [135g] (claimed)
Tubes: Mich AirComp Latex [140g] (claimed)
Skewers: Campy [112g] EDIT: BlackOps [44g]
Tape: Bontrager grippy [30g] (claimed)
Cage: Bontrager plastic [38g] EDIT: EdgeLite [22g]
TOTAL (calculated): 7128.5g [15.7156524 lbs] EDIT: 7044.5g [15.5304641 lbs]

Ouch. There's some obvious areas where savings are available. As I mentioned in post #1, however, I am trying to stay cost conscious in this build; wifey and I cannot justify going nuts on this -- and thus, the amount of used equipment sourced for the project. Nonetheless, I hope to identify a few cost-effective edits over the next few months, which hopefully together will drop enough mass to approach 6.8kg. Sadly, a big budget item like a lighter wheelset is probably not in the picture, even though, as a gram per dollar matter, that could account for the single biggest save. The way things work in my reality is that I can sustain a number of less expensive, albeit less effective, hits over time versus a single big dollar item like a fabulous wheelset, even though it might drop 500g off the weight of the build. Nonetheless, a few things like brakes, skewers, carbon cage, and seatpost cuttage could account for a fair collective savings, I think.

Anyway, I'll post some picks when I start putting it together, which hopefully will commence this weekend. Unfortunately, my brand new Craftsman torque wrench broke last week, and I can't get to serious on the build until I replace it, which I intend to try to do Saturday morn.
Last edited by worstshotever on Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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by range

Can't wait to see some pics of that bike! Talk about value!
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by strobbekoen

Nice project. I must say you have a nice collection of parts for this one.
The weight of the cables and housings seems a bit high. Did you weigh it all as in a set, packaged or something ?
Some lighter quick releases would be a reasonable $$/g upgrade, maybe a Ritchey stem.
My favorite clincher wheels are pre-2006 campagnolo euruses. They pop up from time to time on ebay, even new ones.
The weight on the SLR is kind of variable, i've seen light ones and fat ones..

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by worstshotever

Thanks. I'll update with pics soon. So far I've spent about $1600, but I had the Euruses from my prior bike (they cost $500 when I bought them). Unfortunately, that means the saddle, tape, and odds-and-ends will put me over my $1750 out-of-pocket goal for the build, but hopefully not by too much.

As to the cables -- 249g is the weight, minus packaging, of the entire Yokozuna brake and shifter system for Campy, including full length cables, all end caps, etc. I will undoubtedly pair down the cables and housings for installation and cut some weight there. That said, they are admittedly not a WW cabling system ... supposedly they offer performance enhancement on braking, plus I just like the way they look, so I splurged a bit there.

I do intend to source some light skewers, and I think I can probably hack 50g of seatpost off without adverse consequences to fit and post integrity. So together that's about 100g saved right there. After that it gets more expensive.

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by worstshotever

Just bought new skewers and carbon cage, dropping 84g from the calcualted final weight! Assuming my measurements are correct, I guess my next goal is to lose 45g to get into the 6K club, and ultimately to drop 244.6 grams so I can be a certified WW.
    Skewers: Black Ops road (silver) [44g]
    Cage: EdgeLite carbon [22g]
    TOTAL (calculated): 7044.5g [15.5304641 lbs]

Plus a bunch of mid-build pictures -- bad light, messy garage, weird angles, but looks kinda sweet if you ask moi:









Added: The new carbon cages....


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by worstshotever

Well, I just finished installing my Yokozuna shift and brake cables and housings. I had 85g left in the bag when I was done cutting, making the installed weight 249g-85g=164g. Not sure how that compares with a standard Campy system, but I'm pretty stoked with the idea of finding 85 grams for free. According to my chart, new bike weight should be under 7K. Yay.

Total calculated = 6959.5g [15.3430711 lbs]
Last edited by worstshotever on Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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by Tinea Pedis

When can we get a REAL scales weight?? :P

Otherwise some great work there!

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by jvanv8

worstshotever, do you have a photo of the whole bike yet, or are you waiting for more parts? It's looking pretty stealth! The Edge cages match the Fuji paint scheme perfectly!
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by worstshotever

TP and jvanv8: the answer to both of you is the same -- it's not so much additional parts I need to get across the finish line, but additional time! Between the kid, the wife, the house, and trying to get in some training rides on my heavy bike, I've been squeezing in a half hour so at night to work on the bike. The Yokozuna cable installation was a serious headache, but that's done now (had to go buy a dremmel tool just to cut the stuff ... so much for a cheap build). Now all I have left is to adjust the brakes and shifters, get some bar tape and a saddle, and cut the seatpost, and I'm done! (I also want to switch my 53/39 crankset for a compact and pick up some lighter brakes, but those I can live without for a while if I must.)

It's nice to know I'm not just talking to myself in this thread, though! :thumbup:

P.s. About those cage ... got them on fleabay. I really like the quality, and the weight came in at just about 23g using my bolts (the bolts they sent with the cages were much heavier). Also, that picture also illustrates the issue with getting the build finished: If you look carefully, you can see that I left my socket head attached to the bolt. I was in the middle of torque checking it when I got called back in the house to watch the kiddo, and completely forgot I left the socket head in the bolt when I came back out with the camera. Comedy.

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by jvanv8

Anything goes until it's final!
My personal taste has always been to go with a standard crank and bigger cassette (27 or 28T) so you can pedal more on the descents and still climb with a good cadence. Totally a personal thing, and also has a lot to due with the terrain you ride.

That Ritchey Superlogic II carbon handlebar looks promising at 187g! Another eBay steal?? Most bars in that weight class go for a pretty penny. {EDIT} just looked it up... pricey indeed... bummer, I was hoping for a budget weenie bar (for my Addict R4) What happened to the Zipp? To narrow?
AX Vial Evo: 4970g
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by strobbekoen

Yea, that's what I thought about the cables. Not particularly heavy or light. A typical standard campy cable system would be about the same weight.
To be honest, I think you did a great job getting your bike at this weight with the parts and budget listed. All good stuff.

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