My new Simplon Pavo edition II - Updated w. ENVE 6.7 on p. 2

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Giant DK
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by Giant DK

My Simplon Pavo edition II

After years of upgrading I am finally where I wanna be. I cant’t think of anything that I would change on this bike besides trying out different tubulars and mayby upgrading the pedals to the titanium model. I would like, when my tubular stock is zero to try the new Vittoria 320 tpi.

The wheels
It was a sad day when I decided to let my beloved Campagnolo Bora go. They have served me very well, but I thought if I ever was going to sell them for a decent amount of money it was time just before the Ultra Two came to the market. I have always liked them a lot. The only thing I missed was a little stiffness when accelerating – especially on steep hills. So I pulled the plug and bought a set of LW Standard Gen III. I had the chance to ride these on a test bike a few races in the spring 2008 and liked them a lot. They had the stiffness that I missed about Bora. They felt more comfortable and not as harsh. The only thing I miss is that they don’t coast as great. The Boras was more heavy and more aerodynamic and therefore seemed to keep a speed when riding alone a little better. But I am more than happy about the LW and I also think they match my new Simplon better.

I had to have a second wheelset for races on rainy and bad weather days. I have always used my Campagnolo Eurus 2006 for this purposed - which I by the way love and rate as the best clincher wheelset ever produced. But I have always been eager to try a set of classic low profile tubular. So I asked Derek aka Leloby to build me such a set. And I must say that I am more than happy about the riding qualities of this set. The Ambrosio hubs are not the lightest but in the same league as Record and DA. And the rims are pretty light so they spin up very easily and they steer like a dream – especially in windy conditions. Thanks Derek!

The fit
I have always felt a little cramped when riding down in the bars. I have always felt that my saddle had to be higher. But every time I tried that my back began to hurt after a few miles even though I felt more powerful. I decided to get a Retül bike fit which meant my saddle was raised about 15mm and increased set back. The fitter also leveled my saddle even though I thought is already was leveled. And he also adjusted my shifters positions. And result: WOW. I have always felt so comfortable on my Simplons but now I feel that all my power is going to speed.

The drivetrain
I have always been a Campag guy but introducing the new 11-speed and Super Record with titanium bolts, which the Record had some years ago, together with their chain with a very expensive tool p##sed me a little of. I also don’t think the new Ergopower is an aesthetical improvement. This made me try the Sram Red. I have driven a few test bikes with Force and have always liked the lever shape. But the shifting performance could be better. But when I tried Red I don’t think I will ever look back. The ergonomic fit my small hands perfectly and I really liked the immediate shifting. And the braking performance is just the best I have ever tried. Believe me, much better than any Record, DA 7800 and 7900 equipped bike I have ever tried. I’m in love. The only downside is the FD. I can only adjust it to work perfectly without any rubbing when riding out of the saddle on 7 of the 10 sprockets.
I have never really liked the Sram crankset and the look of it. The chainrings also haven’t had the best reviews and I have never really thought that the bottom bracket desing is the ideal system in regards to bearing resistance – even when upgraded with ceramic bearings. I have always liked my Chorus UT crankset a lot. Both the brearings, the chaingrings and definitely also the look of the UD fibers. But riding Campagnolo together with Sram…? But I didn’t care and wanted a Record crankset upgraded with ceramic bearings. But for this season they made this upgrade themself. So no doubt anymore when Fulcrum came with the RRS crankset with better chainrings too. I actually thought that this crankset was the same a Super Record and Record but it have a different shape so they a definitely not the same. But I believe this crankset match my bike the Sram Red perfectly and the CULT bearings are just soooo smooth. And I fitted it with black Super Record cups for the looks.

The Rictchey WCS Carbon Classic are just perfect for me. Nice and at a decent weight with the best shape ever. I also believe the light New Ultimate stem match the frame and bike very well. The New Ultimate bottle cages are also very nice match.I have changed the heavy seatpost clamp with an Omni racer. I have changed the titanium bolt with a stainless steel as it broke when the Retül fitted made the final adjustment. I have also upgraded my seatpost with a titanium bolt. The topcap is a nice Fibre-Lyte with a nice and light red anodized aluminum bolt. The skewers are some nice light Part of Passion Bank.

Hope you like it as much as I do!



Last edited by Giant DK on Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
Techn writer at Velomore Denmark

My Simplon Pavo II

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by synchronicity

Very nice! 8)

What seatpost is that you are using?
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by Leon

Got to love the Pavo!

Great bike!
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Giant DK
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by Giant DK

Thanks for the comments!

The weight is light enough :D

The seatpost is a Simplon.

Here are some more and better pics. The pics above doesn't do this build justice.








Techn writer at Velomore Denmark

My Simplon Pavo II

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Mario Jr.
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by Mario Jr.

Niiiiice! How mucha?:wink:

That bike has become better and better over time. Imagine how nice it will be next year! :lol:

I have always felt so comfortable on my Simplons but now I feel that all my power is going to speed.

Hm, that wasn't enough today, was it? Not that I did better...

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by aerozy

Very classy! I have a soft spot for simplons and yours is the best Ive ever seen! Great component selection!
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by warmeohren

Very nice piece. Doubtless among my top ten. What is your frame and stem size?

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by record

wow, Fulcrum crank looks like it belong to Red gruppo :lol: very nice bike :!:
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by Tapeworm

Very beautiful.

And seriously, what does it weight? I am guess, hmmm, 6.8kgs :lol:

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by Pepsi

I has to be lower then 6,8. My Simplon Pavo, Chorur 08,costum Corima (DT 240s hubs) weight 6,66 kg.
So it has to be under 6,3 kg. I would say 6 kg.

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by Redddraggon

What BCD are those fulcrum cranks?" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

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by Roobay

shame there isnt a distributor in the UK those Simplons look interesting 8)
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Giant DK
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by Giant DK

@ Mario Jr.
I feel more powerful. I didn't say I am... yet :wink:

It's a size 56 and the stem is 110mm.

It campag style. The BCD is 135mm.

There are also no distributor in Denmark so had to buy it in Germany.
Techn writer at Velomore Denmark

My Simplon Pavo II

by Weenie

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