Time Skylon Campy EPS build.

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by lirek15

Here's my large sized Skylon with record eps, bora wheels, 140 zipp sprint stem and 40cm 3t aeronova bars.
Took some time to get the eps routed neatly through the bars which are great for this task as they're completely hollow on the inside, allowing you to run the electric cables through the center of the bars. Thought about where to best place the dti unit and ended up attaching it to my k edge mount. Will probably move it further back and use and adhesive as opposed to zip ties to make it even cleaner.
This is an incredible bike to ride. I used to have a RXR and which I sold a while ago due to the noodle like top tube. The Skylon is stiff, feels fast, yet comfortable enough that it doesn't beat you up at the end of the day.

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Last edited by lirek15 on Sat Oct 22, 2016 10:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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by thencameyou

great looking rig with aggressive position. hard to make a big bike look as clean as this

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by fa63

Don't love the big Zipp logo on the stem, but other than that it is hard to fault :thumbup:

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by McGilli

Yeah as mentioned usually large bikes look odd with long head tubes - but your bike actually makes it work really well. Enjoy!

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by kgt

Awesome frame! I am sure that this is among the 4 or 5 top road frames available.
I would also prefer time stem and bars.

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by Seedster

Great looking bike and clean build. I take it you didn't fancy the Time bar and stem?


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by Geoff

Ok, that's nice. One of the better large bikes on this Board.

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by dgasmd

Very nicely done. Nice indeed. I was under the impression the Time Skylon and Scylon were not RPS compatible, especially V2 and V3 batteries. How did you managed??

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by leej88

dgasmd wrote:Very nicely done. Nice indeed. I was under the impression the Time Skylon and Scylon were not RPS compatible, especially V2 and V3 batteries. How did you managed??

The Skylon (2016) and Scylon (2017) (same bike but name change due to copyright issues) are EPS and DI2 compatible.

There's an electronic shifting kit that can be purchased at TIME dealers as well as Bellatisport that fits into the seatpost/translink section. The electronic shifting kit has a screw that allows the V2/V3 battery to screw on to it so mounting is not an issue.

@lirek15, Beautiful build!

I'm 183cm and ride a M for Time frames and my RXR was also a noodle up front. I have since then upgraded to the new Scylon (still waiting for the frame) but not before test riding one over at the local dealer.

Probably the stiffest bike as no amount of pushing and pulling + left to right shaking of my body could get the front end to budge. That wasn't the same with the RXR.

p.s. we need more pictures of this beauty!

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by lirek15

The electronic conversion kit should come with your Skylon model, no need to buy separately. It's a great piece of kit that makes internal V2/3 battery installation breezy.
I would have liked the matching Time stem but the lack of a 140mm size and the ridiculous cost made me go the zipp sl route which is an absolute beast of a stem in terms of stiffness, never rode anything like it before. The 3t bars were chosen over the Time due to their neat internal routing which makes the EPS setup much much cleaner.


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by Frankie - B

but could you please sand the stem and spray a bit of clear over it? that would balance the bike a bit better.
'Tape was made to wrap your GF's gifts, NOT hold a freakin tire on.'
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by jimaizumi

I kind of lost interest in Time after they decided to do away with lugs. My RXR was also a bit twitchy in the front end and often wondered how things change with the evolution into the current Skylon and Scylon. Good looking bike and great build. Looking for more feedback on ride characteristics.

PS that stem and bar combo also doesn't do it for me but if you're happy, thats what matters.
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by Johnny Rad

PRO! This looks so pro that it's World Tour PRO. Congrats on the upgrade.

I like the narrow bar, too. Reminds me of Pro / WW Adam Hansen.


The much discussed Zipp logo on the stem is whatever, but the slightly unsymmetrical bar tape wrap and/or finishing tape has to be rectified. Seriously. It would drive me absolutely nuts.

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by CPongpanich

Incredibly lovely bike! Love the super aggressive and classy setup. Cheers!

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by mannequinforce

Wow. This looks too good. Any shots of it in action?

by Weenie

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