Kuota Kom Evo

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by bura

Purchased this bike second hand in pristine condition.
It was already a great build up so I needed to perform only a few changes.
It is a size M and fits like a glove as is.
* got rid off the glossy Fizik Microtex tape and wrapped a matte black one. Lot of detail work because I also colored the tape edges and then handed the marker to my junior who painted all perforation holes one by one to get a totally black tape . I do like this 2mm thick tape because of its surface design plus weight is not significant more then LS 1.8mm DSP tape which has these glossy dots on it.
* got rid of the glossy tuned Toupe 130 Ti Rail saddle and installed the Chinese Aspide Superleggera in matte black. Not only 57 bucks cheap but seller advertised with 95gr which came out to be 91gr. No oval rails but round carbon one.
* installed some custom made black Kuota stickers onto the Far Sports rims.
* installed a super light weight flat head set cap with alloy bolt. 1gr cap.
* kept the computer because of a custom mount and the matching brand name.
* painted the Sram controls to black.
* painted the blue brake pads to black .

Other parts ordered or arrived to be mounted in the next week(s).
* some 15gr no name Chinese water bottle cages. 20 bucks for 2 cages.
* Extralite seat post clamp.
* Extralite head set expander.
* Afc super light delrin pulleys.

I am thinking of some lighter pedals than the mounted Keo 2 Carbon ones.
Weight photo will be added when all parts are mounted.

I do welcome all your comments and suggestions.






Flyxi 91 gr saddle by buracillo

Blacked Sram Red controls by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/45473792@N04/]
Last edited by bura on Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:33 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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by Cyklus

Nice :D

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by Lig

Nice. Very aggressive looking with that angle of stem!!


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by Geoff

Ok, that's nice.

Are you saying that you made your Assistant paint your bar tape perforations?! I think I would have a revolution if I tried that... :shock:

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by btompkins0112

Very nice!

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by Bianchi10

What are your thoughts on that saddle? looks similar to the specialized Romin evo pro shape which is what I use and finally works for me.

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by cerro

bura wrote:* got rid off the glossy Fizik Microtex tape and wrapped a matte black one. Lot of detail work because I also colored the tape edges and then handed the marker to my junior who painted all perforation holes one by one to get a totally black tape . I do like this 2mm thick tape because of its surface design plus weight is not significant more then LS 1.8mm DSP tape which has these glossy dots on it.

Are you serious? Why not get a proper complete black tape instead?

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by bura

Thanks to you all.

@Geoff: I did color the edges before and Junior was inspecting how dad handles the tape wrapping and it was really his free decision to finish the job. Ok ,dad was complaining that tape would look much better that way but no time to handle. :wink:

@Bianchi10: IMO Specialized Toupe and Romin are very good saddles. I just wanted to try if a mid section deep channel works as fine as a cutout saddle. It is 128 mm in width which is what I need but chose this one mainly because of the huge weight gain and the sensational price. BTW it has an excellent smooth surface matching the quality of the 400 bucks SSM SL.
Have not done enough miles though to judge the ride quality due to weather conditions. Will report back after longer rides.

@cerro : Yes, serious. The perforation works fine and the tape is the closest to what I was looking within all that matte black tapes.
Don't like cork and don't like foam.
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by HillRPete

Great build, really liking Kuotas, and the KOM in particular.

If I had to criticise something -- think the bike would look even better with a "slammed" stem, if you could get the right angle to ditch the spacer cone :-)

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by btompkins0112

I agree that the -17 stems do not look as good on compact geometry frames as they do on horizontal TT frames such as a CAAD or EVO.

That being said, this bike is FINE and the above is nit picky at best!

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by TuplaO

One word: Nice!

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by bura

Guys,really appreciate your comments. :beerchug:

Just my thoughts about compact geometry and -17 stems.
A lot of fellow cyclist think that the -17 stem is pointing downwards on the bike. Considering the 72.5 degree of the front fork for a size M Kom the stem actually points 0.5 degrees upwards.
The TT angle is actually irritating people to think this way.
For years we have ridden steel bikes with straight TT's and straight 'Cinelli' stems and got used to it. The -17 stem angle is nothing special for an 'older' cyclist like me.
And wassertreter yes ,I may skip the conical spacer and get my stem really slammed if I get my hands on a matching flat bearing cap.

BTW what I find interesting (really interesting,said in no other sense) is that if you read comments not only here at this forum ,then you will see that much more people do not like -17 stems on angled TT frames than rising stems on straight TT bikes.
Or let's say they don't comment it.
Example to this is the Pina Paris with the Madfiber wheels here . The Pina frame has almost a downwards pointing TT .IMO a straight stem (-17) would fit that bike much better. For sure rider should be happy with his riding position.
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by m4k1

what bars are those?

by Weenie

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